rare and secret spells

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rare and secret spells
Post # 1
i have a one spell book in my house but it's a pray book :'(

but there still good and i have a website that let me cast free spells lol plus how do i add new spells?
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Re: rare and secret spell
Post # 2
actually, a huge chunk of occultism is christian in origin. and, the rare and secret spells are rare and secret for a reason (that is, they're soooo much more difficult to cast. this is the best site i've seen for this it investigates the middle-age grimoire origins of some Harry Potter magic -- much more difficult than pleasing a pedantic wand with pseudo-Latin.) Even making a wand according to the ancient magician: must be cut from a naturally bare branch in the hour of Mercury (whenever that is) at the crescent moon... I just wave my store-bought bamboo crochet needle around, works just fine.
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Re: rare and secret spell
Post # 3
will ty for telling me this
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Re: rare and secret spells
Post # 4
I'm new on this websight and i'd like to know, does magic really work? If it does can you reply to my poste and teach me a little bit more about magic.
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