What is Visualization?

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What is Visualization?
Post # 1

Visualization is one of the main key's for casting spells but it is so much more than that to us. Visualization is used to bring forth you're thoughts, goals, and manifestations to life. By using visualization you're reaching into your untapped potential & bringing to life what you're manifesting in the mind.

Key Practices Used With Visualization

  1. Meditation - Used in various forms to help ease the mind, enhance happiness, heal, concentrate, & cleanse the chakra's. Meditation has an extensive amount of exercises and techniques these are just the basic's. When it comes to mediation there is not a shortage of techniques to how & why its done, always best to look around until you find the technique
  2. Ground & Centering - We use this technique to become better attuned with ourselves & the natural energies of earth. You can do this by just going for a walk in the woods, listening to the elements around you, & reaching deep into the veins of Gaia. Grounding & centering before & after rituals helps the witch understand the metaphysical reach to their potential sources of energy, how much energy we can handle, & releasing unused energy when it is not needed.
  3. Energy Work - If you looked into how important energy work is to witches & energy workers you would find yourself in a labyrinth of information. We call it by many names, there are many types of energies in our Universe and maybe even more we do not know about yet. Energy work is when we attune ourselves to the natural flow of the energies around us then by conjuring and dispelling those energies we work with the universal energies to bring greater aspects of our potential to life.

Visualization goes with those key factors like root beer & vanilla ice cream, its difficult to have one without the other. This is also something that is difficult to teach people because nobody can teach your mind to be more receptive to the beauty in our Universe or create art with your mind. Visualization is about the detail, its stopping on a dime & wandering off into a day dream, its imaging what you want and seeing it before you, its unlocking the full potential of the human mind, its seeing & believing what you visualize without a shadow of a doubt. Hope you enjoyed the post!



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