Meditating on Words!

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Meditating on Words!
Post # 1

Have you ever taken a text to the next level of imagination? Like when castors say "Blessed Be" to one another as a way of saying good bye or to be blessed and blessed you will be in your endeavors and meetings to come. It could also be looked at as a possible way to help a person manifest and meditate on what "Blessed Be" means and does for them. I don't know about the rest of you but i feel good saying "Blessed Be" to other castors. When i say it i mean to manifest that you are blessed, will be blessed, and will continue to be blessed. When i meditate on the words "Blessed Be" i feel peace, divine presence, and self love.

The Wiccan Rede is my next choice of content to meditate on, i often use the text for my love for the light in this world, or in this case the truth in it. When i find it difficult to tell if i am being deceived or not i will repeat in my head while meditating "Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know." To me when i first heard this my heart sang like a canary. During my mediation for truth i will visualize myself by a stream, skipping stones, i like to think the stone is the lie and the water is the truth. The lie will always sink, and the truth will remain steady and strong, and in time as i remain consistent and strong the lie will eventually reveal itself to me, and i will not be hurt, i will ripple ever so slightly and continue my journey in life just as the rippling waters go.

So you see, there are ways we can use words to meditate that help us evolve into better people and castors. Defining a word by definition alone is not knowing a word, but when you meditate on it and extract every detail, you unravel the must unique ways to a word's meaning. This is part of using speech correctly, visualization, and who's to say not another form of energy work. During these "trips" into meditation it gives you so much insight on the world around, and the world we have no idea about. As always if there is something you would like to add, drop it below, blessed be!


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Re: Meditating on Words!
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Love this post!

You really should stop and reflect on words or phrases and ask yourself what they mean to you. There's a podcast I listen to called Hippie Witch, and the host picks a 'word of the year' she thinks about what she wants to manifest in the year, and through reflection a word will come to her, she then looks up the definition and throughout the year will ask herself 'how will this thing bring my word to my life?' [the first year was 'queen' last year was 'joy' this year is 'leap'] personally I go with themes. At Samhain I choose a costume to represent what I want to manifest in the year [two years ago I was a Chameleon for change]

Words have power, especially when we focus our energy [ever said something in anger? That's enough to cast a spell] so you should be mindful of your words too. Taking time to reflect on things and evaluate your path is something everyone should do from time to time.
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Re: Meditating on Words!
Post # 3
I never really thought about that type of thing. However, I kind of feel the same way when it comes to saying "Merry meet!" When someone would say it to me, I feel like I'm welcomed...not sure how else to describe it. Same goes with saying "Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again" when it comes to saying goodbye or see you later. It makes me feel like my message has been received-that type of thing. That's just how I feel about it.
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