Element Magick

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Element Magick
Post # 1

Greetings everyone. Element Magick has gone through some majors changes and we are currently seeking new members to give our small new community a fresh start. We are hoping to get at least 15 members by early next year.

We are a small group focusing on honoring friendship, gathering knowledge, and providing support to individuals trying to find their own path in life.

We require all interested applicants to be:

  • At least 15 years old
  • Have a profile pic and something written on their bio (We don't want ghosts)
  • Open minded about others beliefs which may or may not differ from their own
  • Respectful to their potential members and others around this site
  • Sensible enough to not believe in things like eye color changing spells, etc.

Application Procedure:
Please send a message to Gilgamash telling him about:

  • Your Age
  • Your Nickname(What you want to be referred by)
  • What your beliefs are pertaining to magic and what path you follow (ex. Wiccan, Witch, Shaman, Buddhist, Christian, Agnostic, etc.)
  • What you are hoping for or expecting by joining us
  • Your time zone and how active you can be
  • If you're experienced enough in what you know to teach it to others (y/n)

Thank you.

High Priest Gilgamash

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Re: Element Magick
Post # 2

Reminder: I cannot accept the application unless you click apply on the main coven page AND the application questionnaire is mailed to me. Thank you.

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Re: Element Magick
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Bumping up this thread. All are welcomed! =)
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Re: Element Magick
Post # 4

Awesome group! Queen rocks.

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Re: Element Magick
Post # 5

Ash and I have decided to open the group without an application process, were striving for an "open door policy" and allowing anyone the chance to be apart of group.

We will also be hosting Sunday meet and greet's so for those applying to the coven please be aware one Sunday of every month is mandatory to keep membership in Element Magick.

In our coven you will find the opportunity to be apart of people who are building a group for the purpose of studying magick and building healthy friendships in the virtual world and the physical. If you choose to join do so with the right intentions and mind set of wanting to grow spiritually in a positive environment.

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