Offerings To The Dead

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Offerings To The Dead
Post # 1
I would like to start off with saying that ultimately, I don't think I have anything to be concerned about, I just want some second opinions. I'm analytical, so I sometimes worry about things I shouldn't. I occasionally get concerned regarding how I present myself when I tell the spirit of a dead person that I'm leaving them an offering. I have a ragtag way of leaving the spirits of the dead due to it being more intimate to me. I try not to stress over everything being perfect or only to be presented a certain way, lest the offering not be received, because, to me, the intention & the offering is what matters the most. Everything else meaningful, but not the most important part of the offering. They are symbolic & similar to leaving flowers or trinkets at a grave. When I tell them I'm leaving them an offering, I speak to them like they are a person, like I would have if they were alive. It feels more personable & sincere, as opposed to repeating something generic or default, that anyone can mindlessly say, without sending out their intention. Typically, when I feel like I'm screwing up, its things like little flubs regarding very minor little things I'm over analyzing aspects of the offering set up & progression & the awkwardness of knowing the spirit can hear me. I know they know & understand the over analyzing & the awkwardness following some clumsy speech, especially since they were human themselves & they know the thought behind the over analyzing comes from me wanting to makes sure the offering is given without error. I'm also trying not to worry about not receiving very many signs & omens yet, because its only been a few days, I get at least one after the first offering, & in regards to more complex signs & omens, the time must be right & it takes a load of energy for them to do it. I asked to continue sending me signs & omens for good measure.

I'd like some second opinions on offerings to the dead, although my intuition tells me I have nothing to be concerned about. To top it off, the guy I have been leaving offerings to was a personable & friendly guy, who loved & appreciated those who admired & respected him & his work, so he'd likely be over the moon, no matter what I do for him, especially since there is now only so much I can do. I told him I was giving him the first offering as a gift until he can interact in a visitation dream. Days prior, I asked my spirit guides & angels to help me with a dream visitation request to him. I have loads of meaningful things to say to him, that I feel would be best handled if we were face to face, spirit to spirit. The second offering was simply a treat as I would give him if he were alive & interacting with me, further contextualized with him getting the same treat from someone when he was alive, & one that he enjoyed. Aside from interacting with his spirit, I honor him in other ways, such as creating relevant artwork & writing a song about him. Sorry, this is so long, I just wanted to be as clear as possible, given how I don't adhere to any established & specific spiritual sects. I identify with New Age.
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Re: Offerings To The Dead
Post # 2
EDIT--He sent me two signs tonight, but I'd still like to hear from anyone with some thoughts to offer. (No pun intended)
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