Astral travel to future

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Astral travel to future
Post # 1
I was reading a book and in it was astral travel advance level.It was written that astral travel is not time bounded ie one can go to the past and the future too.Does that mean I can make bold predictions by doing astral travel,seeing it myself.Also does that mean I can also find out outcomes like who'll win the world cup,what questions would come in exams etc huh?

If that happens an astral traveller should be able to do anything right?I mean they say "no one knows tomorrow" but Astral travellers I think can know tomorrow right? Please help to sort my queries about this
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Re: Astral travel to future
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

I suppose this would depend on who you ask, but I would say, "no" based on the things I've read and my own experience with astral projection.

Perhaps for going back in time, you would be able to capture a glimpse of the past, but this is because these things already happened. You may be able to watch from a sort of fly-on-the-wall perspective or maybe even sort of inhabit a character from that time period and watch historic events take place, but you would not be able to change anything. The astral plane is still technically separate from the one we inhabit in our day-to-day lives. It is sort of a version of the same thing, but none of us can move through it in the same way.

As far as seeing the future, I do not believe this is an absolute. I don't believe in fate, and I don't believe that any piece of the future is 100% bound to happen. I believe it can be changed. If you were to glimpse into the future, you would probably not be able to see test answers ,or winners of any tournaments, or numbers selected in the lottery. Firstly because some of these are randomly generated by computers. If they have not been generated yet, there is absolutely no way of knowing what will be selected, or even making an educated guess. It is not based on any sort of pattern or decision made by anyone else. There would just be no way.

For winners in a tournament, you may be able to see what happens if a certain team were to continue on the same path they were currently traveling, but even this is not an absolute. This all depends on what happens to them that affects their gameplay, the choices they make during gameplay, maybe even the weather. Most teams don't play according to pattern. They have ups and downs, as is true in almost all other areas of life.

There are people who exist who have visions of the future, but these are almost never specific enough to reveal such things either, and they are also susceptible to change.

The things one might se if they were to astrally travel to the future would be the same way, Iimagine:something probably large, a circumstance, but probably not its outcome.

If the president were planning to propose a certain law, you might see him make some sort of speech about that, maybe even the actual speech he would makebecause his speeches generally all sound the same wayand any that he were to make concerning this hypothetical law would probably follow suit, but you would probably not see how this affects his career or the country or whether or not it is approved or how long it would take to be approved or not.

These things can be changed, so while I'm not an expert by any means, I believe that if you really could work to the level of astral projection and travel that you would be able to travel through time that way, you would still be very limited in what you saw and how accurate or specific it would be.

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