Learn Psychic Skills

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Learn Psychic Skills
Post # 1
You Can Learn Psychic Skills!

EVERYONE HAS some measure of latent psychic ability. Have you ever had a Hunch? Everyone has intuition and intuition is a psychic ability. Intuition is the active part of Dowsing, and most forms of divination.

So how does one discover and develop Psychic Skills? There is a Very Good series written by Skywind in 1993 and still archived on several Psychic archives. It is called "The Playful Psychic" and it starts with helping you discover your abilities and then continues with teaching you to master them.

What it Covers:

Playful Psychic, Preparation - A guide to preparing for study in psi.

Playful Psychic, Basic Skills - A primer of skills such as grounding, drawing energy, creating psiballs, and shielding.

Playful Psychic, Advanced Skills - A primer of skills such as empathy, telepathy, astral projection, aural vision, psychokinesis, and giving readings.

Playful Psychic, Appendix - Worksheets, statistical information, and scientific organizations.

The series is compiled into four large FREE Articles on this Psi Archive HERE


You can highlight with your mouse then right click and go to the page and select the article, there are 4 of them.

I really recommend them, they got me started way back in 1993 and i still refer to them.

This covers the foundation for many other Magickal skills!

Good Luck and Have Fun!

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