Dream help?

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Dream help?
Post # 1
What does it mean to dream about the night sky being bright with pink purple and blue and you can see the clouds as the colors and the sky is same the stars are bright as well.. what does it mean....I have a feeling its importaint..
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Re: Dream help?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

The issue with others interpreting dreams for you, is that dreams are entirely personal. What you see in your dreams is due to your psyche and what you need to see in relation to your own life. For you, a pink, purple and blue sky likely means something completely different to you and your situation than it does for someone else.

Instead of having someone else try to interpret your dreams, I would suggest meditating on this dream, see what your psyche knows about it, because your mind created it for a reason, and you are really the only one who can determine what it means for you.

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Re: Dream help?
Post # 3
Okay thanks i will do that!
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Re: Dream help?
Post # 4
This is just my experience,but I have found books about symbolic interpretation of dreams to be mostly inaccurate, and many whi interpret dreams use books like that. I agree with meditating on your dream. Sometimes people even "Dreamwalk" and Psychically project or astral travel in their sleep. Meditating usually sorts it out for me.

Sometimes dreams are real, sometimes they are warnings of future events and sometimes they are simply echos of 'happy thoughts or memories' Not all dreams have meanings. A Vivid dream that repeats itself more than once should be noted. I keep a small spiral notebook and write down my dreams on waking before they fade away.
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