mediatiation in water

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mediatiation in water
Post # 1
merry meet
this is taiemari, i call this mediatation in water for the reason is very relaxing
you will need 4 dps of laverndar 3dps of jasimine 2 dps of peppermint and a hot water bath and 2 scented candles of your choice and also bubble if you will like.
you will need to get into the tub relaxed your mind that means no think of anything push your body into the water to your head is just above the water close your eyes and bring the scents from the water into you and begin to mediate for all as long as you can. i always fall asleep but its very relaxing to me and when i,m finished i feel very enegerzied.
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Re: mediatiation in water
Post # 2
becareful not to drown in your bathtub also
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