Rid His Ex & Enchant Him

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Rid His Ex & Enchant Him
Post # 1


My recent ex and I have been trying to make things work but there's still been this lingering love feeling for his 2nd ex-wife that seems to always become a problem randomly. He has never cheated, but he has admitted to wanting to stop feeling for her and that he wants that same kinda love for me because I'm the happier choice and she was the bad choice. It's becoming a repeated mention even from his family members and close friends that I'm the better choice. But he can't seem to help the temptation to get sucked back in to his 2nd wife, which was also considered to be his first love, when ever she texts him trying to get back in good when she sees he's happy with me and doing better in life or just when something brings up a memory.

We have discussed therapy, couple counseling, hypnotism, etc. and then we got on hoodoo love work and work to take his mind off her and put her out his life. He said he is open to all of it if it's going to work because he wants to dismiss her from his mind, heart and life and move forward and be completely inlove with me and get married. He doesn't directly want to know the details of what it takes to get the work done but he has asked me not to physically harm her in the process; which I don't plan to do anyway.

What things I have to work with are:

[*] Saved Menstrual Blood from 28 days ago (and able to get new fresh blood come Friday/Saturday during the full moon phase)
[*] My saliva that I can get at any point, of course lol
[*] His toenail clippings (possibly not from each toe but from random toes that needed to be clipped anyway)
[*] A spoonful of his semen in a bottle (from an oral sex orgasm and frozen from less than a week ago)
[*] Hair shaved from his private area
[*] His used underwear in like a teal/blue color that I'm thinking of also using part of for a hoodoo love poppet
[*] The Full Moon Coming Up
[*] His Full Name and Birthdate, of course
[*] His handwriting, his signature, his expired license
[*] A photo of him, a photo of us, shoot even a photo of his ex as well as him with his ex back when they were married

I think the only thing I don't have is his blood, lol! And he'd probably allow me to get that, too, if I figured out how to ask in a non-spooky non-aggressive way.

So with these items, what would be some powerful approaches I could or should take to help us with helping him find enchanted inlove feelings with me so that we can move forward. He also mentioned that whatever I find in him that's not up to par yet and I mentioned that I would probably want to make him more romantic the way I like and more financially stable. Other than that, I can't think of too many extra changes I want in him that he may need an extra spell push with.

Any suggestions of the best approaches with having all these details and these personal items?

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Re: Rid His Ex & Enchant Him
Post # 2

Before you turn to magickabout this you should definitely go with what you had discussed before, therapy and couple counseling. If he has fallen out of love with his wife he should be able to tell her if he really wants to move forward and you all 3 could work things out from there. You seem to already have what you want and he is in love with you which most people are struggling with in love spells that their person is not in love with them, so why would you need to turn to magick? You both have already discussed things that are confirmed to be successful.

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Re: Rid His Ex & Enchant Him
Post # 3

Hey CrystalPink,

We have tried couple counseling online because of our schedules but that seems to annoy me. Not because it was online but because it seems like we kept getting back to this issue of him marrying the first time for the kids. Then running into his second wife and marrying because he was just so inlove even though she was wrong to him (his own words). Then it goes into his childhood with his mother and father and the abuse and being dirst poor and all this other stuff and rounds back to why he married his second wife...i'm like ugh...listening to all the foolishness of why it's hard for him to fall inlove with anyone else or outta love with her and fall fully inlove with me...it causes issues where we get home together and he's like maybe we should just break off for a minute so he doesn't hurt me or possibly waste my time if he doesn't ever full fall enchanted inlove (his words) like he did with his second wife and that maybe part of him is mostly scared that if he does fall inlove with me, I'll end up deceiving him and dogging him like his second wife, etc. etc. even though he says he don't feel I will but that all he's known in his life is that women, even his mother, has done him wrong...so couples counseling just always set him back and then therapy was talked about after couple's counseling so he can get rid of this past pain and stuff and he felt that the couple's counseling opened up too many wounded doors that he wasn't ready to revisit...he says he just wants to move forward and create better memories in his life and he feels I provide all that and that's why he says he is trying but just ain't felt that enchanted love like thinking of me all day and ready to race home from work to be up under me and eager to say he loves me without fear............i'm like okay...so then hypnotism and hoodoo then...he like okay...let's go for it because I want you as my wife but I need that feeling to be sure i won't damage our relationship because I don't want a failed third marriage...and I can understand that...BUT I NEED HIM TO WAKE UP AND GET HIS MIND RIGHT lol

Before you turn to magickabout this you should definitely go with what you had discussed before, therapy and couple counseling. If he has fallen out of love with his wife he should be able to tell her if he really wants to move forward and you all 3 could work things out from there. You seem to already have what you want and he is in love with you which most people are struggling with in love spells that their person is not in love with them, so why would you need to turn to magick? You both have already discussed things that are confirmed to be successful.

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Re: Rid His Ex & Enchant Him
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Please remember that typing in all capital letters is against the rules of this website.

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Re: Rid His Ex & Enchant Him
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5

Okay, wow honey, you know what you're looking at and know what you're doing, I think you are just looking for some kind of justification from others. Looking at the list of ingredients you have, I say you already have plenty to work with - I don't think his blood will be necessary.

A little disclaimer, regardless of how you proceed - the other woman will be harmed - whilstnot physically, she will experience some kind of hurt (A Broken Heart etc) when working with people, when it comes to anything around desires - someone always gets hurt - I recommend a gentle banishing, ushering her gently away from what you're trying to build and that she will find her own happiness.

Now, as for your Man. A Poppet would be the best option for this spell, I recommend some cord which is soaked in your menstrual blood to bind the poppet to say "You are with me, you are held by me" Place his bits and pieces into the poppet to make it more of an effigy about him, you know how poppets work girl, you obviously know what you're doing because of the very specific list of ingredients you have gathered - and not many people I have met on here have managed to get that - most just want a serious love charm with a white candle.

Now so far, the Poppet has a dominating energy about it, you now need to soften it off, my best advice would be to run a warm bath, sprinkle it with rose petals, maybe a little honey and give it a gentle stir, light some soft smelling incense around the bathroom - give it a romantic feel, sit in the bath, not completely submerged and lay the poppet on your breast and just lay there, sprinkling some water over it and yourself and channel your intent into what you're doing, make it more about him overcoming his 2nd wife and finding happiness and joy - even say a prayer or some words - make the images about him finding it and being with you - not you making it be about you, there is a difference.

Afterwards, drain the tub and clean your work space up, and place the Poppet in your underwear draw, every full moon take it out and drop some Lavender Oil onto it and massage it gently in until the end of the current season (3 months).

I think that should suit your needs, and a little spiritual disclaimer, I am not responsible for the outcome or will take any part of any potential outcomes, ifthis creates a bigger problem - you need to fix it. Do try to have fun dear.

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