Dragon Magick

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Dragon Magick
Post # 1

Hello. I'm not sure if this is the right section or not. However I was wondering, if anyone might have any knowledge on Dragon Magick? Now I can already see a couple of comments popping up, but please read this before you say things like, 'dragons don't exist.'

First of all I know they don't exist on this realm. However much like the fae, I strongly believe that dragons live in their own realm away from the human eye. I'm asking this question about Dragon Magick, because I want to know what there is involve in it. Before I decide to follow the path.

So if anyone have any information about the topic, than please share or message me. I've been trying to find some, but there's only a couple of books on the matter. (Which I'm trying to get a hold of.) And a couple of websites.

Thank you for you're time.

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Re: Dragon Magick
Post # 2
Dragon magick requires a lot of respect, dedication, and i would recommend being able to astrally travel. You have to respect dragons and not use their abilities without offering. A lot of dragons i have worked with require an offering of something before they assist me. Offerings can be stones, food, energy, fires, etc. They depend on the dragon, really. A bowl of gemstones left out may attract a dragon spirit to your space.

While this varies from person to person, I believe everyone has a guardian dragon, akin to a guardian angel. You can learn to contact them, however do have energy shields and wards, as some spirits may masquerade themselves as your guardian to harm you.

I've been practicing dragon magick for about five years, I can try to help more if you need it! I do not have the energy currently to write a whole big article right now, however. :)
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Re: Dragon Magick
Post # 3

Thank you, for those who have been messaging me about Dragon Magick and thank you for those that have been sending me links and posting, in this forum. You're information has has helped a lot.

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Re: Dragon Magick
Post # 4
I recommend reading The Draconian Ritual Book by Asenath Mason.
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