Telekinesis basics

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Telekinesis basics
Post # 1
Telekinesis and how to preform it.
Don't get up set if you don't get it right away. It takes a long time to learn it. But depending on the person in question they may be able to learn it quicker than others but after at least a year of consistent practice you should be able to see some positive results. But you'll only see positive results if you practice at least 5 times a week if not more. The more you practice the better the results like with anything else in life. No one gets anywhere with a new "talent" without a lot of practice. I have not practicedone this myself yet but I have random knowledge come to me all the time about stuff like this. The other stuff I've practicedor told other people who wanted the information and it always worked for them... I do plan to practice when I can I'm actually waiting until I go on maternity leave before practicing that way I have the time to practice.
When you do practice I suggest at least 2 or more hours a day. The hours don't have to be back to back they can be spread out throughout the day. But do NOT practice less than an hour or your results will take long to achieve.

With energy manipulation you have to first learn how to control your own energy which is relatively easy. Then once you have that down you combine your energy with that of other energy to manipulate it. It is a bit harder to combine your energy to other energy and move that energy with your own energy. But with enough time and practice you can achieve energy manipulation.

First start by putting your power hand in front of you ( this is usually the hand you write with) and focus on the palm of your hand with it facing up and focus on moving your energy to the palm of your hand. Once you have done this a few times get a ball of energy in your hand then use your other hand placed over the first one but not touching your other hand and try to make it connect to both hands. Once you can do that take both hands and pull them apart and push them together but never let your hands touch. While doing this you should feel the energy moving between your hands then go from there to work with the rest of the energy in your body the same way.

Next: now this requires a lot of concentration at first so if it takes you a while don't be disappointed no one gets this right away. So what you do now is combine your energy with that of other energy like with the energy of the wind focus on your energy and the energy of the wind and imagine them combining together to become one and once you feel that they have combined together experiment with it and see what your get. It's the same process as combining energy with anything else.

And this is energy manipulation. I hope that I have helped you. If you have any questions feel free to message me them and I will answer them the best that I can

Re: Telekinesis basics
Post # 2
There has never been a case of provable telekinesis. Every time someone's claim comes under scrutiny, it does not hold up. There is always an explanation.

As for the claim that this is energy manipulation, sure: the practice may use a flow of [metaphysical] energy. But metaphysical energy is emotional energy. Neural impulse does not have the capability of remotely moving objects. Kinetic energy on a body of mass must always employ the laws of nature, which are largely known.

Therefore, since a force is applied to the object, the object applies and equal but opposite force upon that which affects it. Otherwise, no motion can occur. What exactly is applying the force? And to what is that force applied by the object in order for it to move?

The other two laws apply equally as well. With those alone is the claim of telekinesis debunked.

Re: Telekinesis basics
Post # 3
What of the ethric body?

Re: Telekinesis basics
By: / Novice
Post # 4

The Etheric body, or Etheric Double, supplies vitality to the physical body. That is not a physical energy capable of moving physical objects. Until some form of kinetic energy is applied movement will not occur. For more information on the Etheric Double and its function I suggest The Etheric Double by A.E. Powell.

Re: Telekinesis basics
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

As the others have said, telekinesis has never been successfully shown to be a real thing.

Perhaps the most famous case of claims of telekinesis was a man named Uri Geller who claimed to bend spoons and move objects with only his mind. Such claims were disproved rather easily and his fraudulent displays were debunked. Uri faded from public notice almost immediately thereafter.

Nor have any of the other forms of kinesis been shown to be genuine. Rather all seem to be strictly the purview of fantasy novels and Holly wood films such as "Avatar: the Last AirBender".

Of course on is entitled to believe whatever one wants to and to try to see whether they are capable of doing such things. But just because one believes something to be true does not necessarily make it so. One could sit in a garage all night and believe they were a Chevrolet, but it does not mean they are a Chevrolet.

Re: Telekinesis basics
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
Well if nothing else now we all have the image of someone sitting in a garage pretending to be a car stuck in our minds. The concept is interesting in theory just like all Hollywood style magic is but the idea is hard to imagine being remotely possible. Think of it this way if telekinesis is primarily energy manipulation and will power then shouldn't a technological version already exist where some form of energy field can be used to move objects around? The closest would be magnetism and that's obviously limited.It's fine that you believe this is possible but based on your wording you seem to be advising someone on how to achieve or practice something you yourself have yet to practice let alone achieve. This gives even less credibility to an unproven field. If it were possible I can't even imagine the energy requirements or the mental strength needed which would most likely make the technique less advantageous than it appears on paper.

Re: Telekinesis basics
Post # 7
The issue is that people somehow conflate all types of energy as being interchangeable. They are not.

There are known and unknown types of energy. Science very much acknowledges this, at least to a degree.

As for the known energies, there might be a way to convert one to another, but rarely is it directly.

One way that people conflate all energies into the same concept is by the concept of vibration. Again, not all types of vibration are the same. A 300Hz electromagnetic wave will not have the same effect as a 300Hz sound wave. One is entirely undetectable by human senses. Yet many people would insist that a "higher frequency" of the sound wave would result in a radio wave. They are very different things.

Yes: Our nervous systems work via electrical impulse. These are absolutely minute, for each individual signal -- of which there are basically innumerable signals passing throughout one's nervous system at any given time. But our bodies have no way to convert this energy into something which can affect external physical objects; their purpose is to contract muscles, and send feedback to the brain.

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