Casting Rune= Demon?

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Casting Rune= Demon?
Post # 1
Okay I know I'm going to sound like an idiot but, I got a set of runes from a spiritual shop and it came with instructions. I read those instructions but I wanted to know a little bit more about how to cast runes so I searched up some instructions online. Anyways, one of the site I looked at said that casting runes can summon a succubus. As you can guess I'm pretty freaked out. Can someone please confirm if this is true or not? I know, I know I should have checked before I bought them. I did look around online before hand and they seemed safe from the articles I read. Still, I just want to know if the thing with the succubus is true or not.
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Re: Casting Rune= Demon?
Post # 2

Ugh. If they wrote it exactly like this then they are huge idiots.
Runes, on their own, have nothing whatsoever to do with demons and spirits. They are symbols that are used to "invoke" energies related to what they represent in one's mind, in a similar way sigils work, but this time they draw their meaning through meanings that were assigned to them long ago (but I will not elaborate on this since it would get us way off course and you might get even more confused).
The runes on their own have only magical properties that you can tap into, e.g. the rune Kenaz represents fire, illumination and knowledge, therefore you can use it in spells and rituals of similar nature, such as a spell to reveal something, or certain types of divination.
The only way a rune could be associated with a spiritual entity is if you yourself consciously tapped on their meaning in order to summon something. Again, e.g. the rune Raido represents travel, therefore its power could be used in order to make it easier drawing a spiritual entity from their realm. The runes on their own are just helpful boosts for your work. If you aren't planning to use them in order to summon something, then the runes themselves will do nothing of that short, either on their own, either when you use them for something else.
In a nutshell: Whoever linked runes with succubi was a huge idiot, who probably confused sigils with runes. And most people who do so are either beginners, or weeaboo scammers, aka fluffs. Do you mind giving a link to the site?
I Hope I helped you dispel your fears about runes!

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Re: Casting Rune= Demon?
Post # 3
Thank you so much. Good to know I'm not going to have a demon following me around. I just went back to the website to get the link and I didn't read the full website title and it's a guy who runs some tv talk show thing.
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Re: Casting Rune= Demon?
Post # 4
If you are interested in Runes, I suggest this website:

There are several books on the subject that will help you with your knowledge of the runes and how to work with them such as:

Thorsson, Edred: Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic.
Thorsson, Edred: Runelore: A Handbook of Esoteric Runology.
Paxson, Diana: Taking up the Runes
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Re: Casting Rune= Demon?
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Norse Paganism from Magic Items.
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Re: Casting Rune= Demon?
Post # 6
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