What are Shadow spirits?

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What are Shadow spirits?
Post # 1
Shadow spirts when I talk about them I'm talking those shadowing figures in the corner of your eye how they move and how you feel as if you can just see there face then they vanish but you can swear you can hear them whisper They have always been a fascination of mine or rather the way people talk about them some see them as pesky spirts that only watch others more sinster saying they are evil demons. some say that there messagers Maby even gods or angels watching over you some say there something different all together out of the cycle independent and some say there merely illusions our mind playing tricks . What do you think they are ?
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Re: What are Shadow spirits?
Post # 2
I think, in the cases which are not hallucinations or pareidolia of things seen in the edges of one's vision, that these entities could be any number of things.

Some people will attribute malice to anything they don't understand or don't fit into a given paradigm.

I think in some cases, a person's own experience may be used to label everything with a similar manifestation, which leads to the array of interpretations.

Perhaps it's not always the best idea to paint with a broad brush, and approach the unknown with caution but openness.
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Re: What are Shadow spirits?
Post # 3
a shadow might simply be the form of a spirit trying to assume shape but not quite managing. My mother had encounters with shadow people in my childhood home. They would wake her in the night with whisphers and gather around the bed. She said they looked like black shadows with red eyes but no other features. They would cause very fatiguing sleep paralysis and don't seem to bother anyone else but her. Certainly I never saw them and I was a child at the time. Later she found, on a presentiment, an altar in the drywall between the outside wall. There was a picture of a girl on the altar wrapped around a red candle and tied with a ribbon. We moved not long after as my mother did not feel safe living there anymore
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Re: What are Shadow spirits?
Post # 4
Shadow spirits; depends. I've seen lots of them. They can a spirit taking the form of a Shadow, and they can be hallicunations yes. But when people mention to Shadow people they don't usually mean hallicunations or any other spirit taking the form of a Shadow.

Shadow sprits are a specific type of entity and they are very powerful. Some are what they call "evil" since they like to mess around with others but there are the watchers one too yes, the ones who wouldn't necessarily mess around with others, or the protectors, Mrpanda.

You may be fascinated with them because you are connected to them, or because they are calling out for you. Usually though (not saying always cause I haven't asked each person personally) when they're calling out for you you share a connection; so it may be both Mrpanda.
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Re: What are Shadow spirits?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Other Paths.
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Re: What are Shadow spirits?
Post # 6
I have encountered these shadow spirits often. I would lookup cause I seen something , moving in the corner of my eye. When I look up I see a black shadow run to the right and disappear. I would describe them as darker than a regular shadow. I always see them at night when I go to get some thing to drink or eat. But I had the most unusual encounter a few nights ago. I was just looking at the ceiling laying in my bed and of course I see something moving in the corner of my eye but when I look the spirit is in the shape of a dragon and moves loser to me the disappears as soon as it was close enough to touch my face with its snout.
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