i need someoneeee...

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i need someoneeee...
Post # 1
Hi. I'm Ursula. (Just a nickname) I haven't really tried magick before but I somehow believed it was real. Now, I want to know everything, from casting a spell, rituals, to history. But I'm in need of some guidance of somesort since I'm really lost. I just don't want to cast a spell on my third day on it. (Well, I'm just on the studying portion) Plus, I really want it to be effective. Unfortunately, unlike most new people here, I don't have any experiences or special abilities to brag about, just my strong desire to learn what I can. Going back on my need of guidance earlier stated, I REALLY would like an expert or even just a knowledged individual to help me pave my way into magick. Like, lessons and help.

Thanks, and hello everyone. :]
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Re: i need someoneeee...
Post # 2
I'm new too, the forums will probably help, i was completly clueless about an hour ago, and atleast now i have some direction. and hi!
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Re: i need someoneeee...
Post # 3
go on hadrians hall, just google it
( the addy is way too long)
but it is the firsst one on google normally
then sign up
i leatrnt most of what i know on there
mentors are hard to find
and id try books and other GOOD websites that dont ask u to pay
anyway HAdrians Hall is awesome just gone under major change
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