
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► familiars?
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Post # 1
Good evening to all, I want to make a familiar out of my beautiful Ahuehuetl, but I am concerned that something might happen to her, will she be weakened? Will it affect her in some way?, if so, I would really not do anything to hurt or alter her, we have a special connection and she is gold to me. Thank you.
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Re: familiars?
Post # 2
You can't make her your familiar. Either she is or she isn't. Only you can know that. You need to ask her. My kitties willing follow me to my alter when its time and offer me their energy. I would never take it from them. It doesn't hurt them at all but then they are willing giving it. When I am sitting on the floor in front of my alter doing any casting whatsoever I have one on my lap and one laying next to me. Does she do this to you? If she is truly your familiar she will offer herself willing you will never have to force it.
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Re: familiars?
Post # 3
Actually, I saw a spell that can make any pet your familiar, try looking that up. ^^
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Re: familiars?
Post # 4

Bluewolf is right. Your pet is either your familiar or not. The spells here are to see if they would like to be your familiar. Don't force them. It would be just mean if you forced them to.
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Re: familiars?
Post # 5
Thank you, as Tails mentioned there is a spell, that is where my confusion came in. The 3 of them stay in the room, but none will come close to me during my spell casting.
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Re: familiars?
Post # 6
Next time your casting why don't you try asking if she would like to join you. Don't try to take any of her energy at first by try to create a bond with her while your in your circle. If she is willing to do that then you could try asking for her energy. Gazingruby is right if you take it without their permission it is just mean but that doesn't mean that you still can't create a bond where she will allow you to.
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Re: familiars?
Post # 7
Thank you BlueW, I would never, ever try to take from her or any other as a matter of fact something that is not given freely. I will ask her and my other two babies if they are willing.
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Re: familiars?
Post # 8
Sit with your pets in meditation, try to push energy gently onto them, try to speak to them in this manner, there will come a day where you get that little knock back from them, it's hard to even describe, but you'll just understand them and visa versa, when this connection is fully established their conciousness level will begin to expand as they get a greater sense of self being, animals who have taken the step to familiars can almost be regarded as the next step in animal conciousness and self awareness.
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Re: familiars?
Post # 9
Thank you K, I will try this. I really do appreciate all yourpoints of view. As I have mentioned before I have been casting for only some months and all the advice is good for me.
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