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Re: Spells
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
I am sorry but it wil most definitely not work if it is a shapeshifting spell because that is not physically possible, no magick can change that. Maybe before telling people it will work you could check out some of the information on this site about what magick really is and what it can do for you. I can send you some links if need be.

Re: Spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

I have to disagree as well.

Not any spell will work . There are many, many spells (especially here on this site) that will never work no matter how much you believe or hard you try as such spells defy the physical laws of the universe. You will never, as an example, physically turn yourself into something else, swap bodies, change your hair color with magic, grow wings, levitate or teleport, go back or forward in time, etc. Such things are claimed by those who don't really have an understanding of how real magic works.

Why would you want to waste the time to try to do things straight out of fantasy when you could use it learning about real magic and becoming adept at doing what magic can accomplish?

As for the idea that just believing harder will make the impossible possible, I tend to offer this bit of advice. You can sit in the garage all night believing you're a Merdedes-Benz, but it will not make you into an automobile.

Re: Spells
Post # 4
Ugh. This was soposed to clear this not make this worse. So nothing mean ok?

Re: Spells
Post # 5
They arent trying to make it worse, they are stating the obvious and trying to not get peoples hopes up that you can shapeshift into anything or change the physical appearance for example. Alot of spells CAN be done but you have to be sensible and not expecting the imaginary. They arent trying to be mean or anything

Re: Spells
Post # 6
First off magic works on its own course, second you cannot summon fictional creatures like what you see in the movies, the tale of vampires come from middle age europe and as early as Romania when people though that when a corpse didnt break down properly it was a monster and or if someone was bite they would turn into the such tale vampire, werewolves tale came from middle age times when such thought a human ate flesh of another they would turn in to a lycan, mermaid came from many tales including movies, zombies came from middle age europe during the black plague, so you need to learn how magick works and how it doesnt work you have a lot of self educating

Re: Spells
Post # 7

As everyone has already stated not everything is possible. Even magick has its limits. Trying to say everything is possible gives false hope. Think of the thirteen year old who is just getting into magick who hears this. They try a bunch of fake spells that never work then get discouraged. Because they are discouraged they give up and think all magick is fake. So you see how spreading falsehoods wastes peoples time and dashes their hopes. It's better to give real and applicable advice to help them rather than hinder them.

Re: Spells
Post # 8
The word zombie is West African in origin, and comes from the Congolese words nzambi (god) and zumbi (fetish).

Zombies did not enter European consciousness until 1929 through a book which drew on Haitian voodoo cults. Haitian voodoun priests (and perhaps some priestesses) used the neurotoxin found in the pufferfish to create a death-like state and then gain control of the person because their families believed them to be dead.

Zombies did not become popular until George Romero made the movie Night Of The Living Dead in 1968. This movie changed the entire mythology and anthropological data gathered from 1829 until 1968 into what we believe about zombies today. Modern portrayals of zombies best exemplify the dangers of the "whitewashing" that happens with cultural appropriation.

Re: Spells
Post # 9
Hope is key along with belief

Re: Spells
Post # 10
As everyone stated, even if you believe the most then shapeshifting won't work. Not any and every spell will work, for example, Spells can not put a penny in your pocket suddenly, as they cannot turn you into a vampire, mermaid, demon, angel, and cannot summon things like that. You get the point. The only thing I agree with is that spells always take time to work. You need to research the laws of magick and see what it can and cannot do.

Re: Spells
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
Just because you "believe" you are going to shapeshift doesn't t mean you will. Because it's not possible.

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