Someone cursed me

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Someone cursed me
Post # 1
Someone cursed me and my friend we were able to break it but there were little brown bags and his contained things for a binding spell, mine contained one of my pictures, with red wax over it and it was surrounded by a red ribbon and it contained some herbs, what does this mean? I'm sure she was limiting my magic power which explains why a spell I casted didn't work and how i could Astral project no matter how many times I tried, when I tried to Astral project I couldn't do it and I would open my eyes and see a swinging pendulum above my head that would turn into a bunch of tendril like things that were poking me, there was also just one black figure who would stare at me and it tried phasing through my face I couldn't tell if what it was, it didn't have a face, I was in the same room the tendrils would always be off to the left of my bed and be sprawling across a good portion of the room, I tried to Astral project last night and I haven't even closed my eyes for over a minute, my phone vibrated so I thought I'd check it so I opened my eyes and I could see it practically wide awake, so I turned the flashlight on for my phone and it disappeared. Then I was done for the night and went to sleep, my friend used Astra projection to make empty threats to he person that cursed us and she dug up little brown bags with the items in them and burned each piece individually, also is there a decently strong enough protection spell I could use so this doesn't happen again?
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Re: Someone cursed me
Post # 2
I have nothing against this person I just want error to leave me alone with this kind of stuff, I don't want any harm on her or anyone
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Re: Someone cursed me
Post # 3
It is always good to have some sort of good protection; whether an amulet or spell. This website has many protection spells that you could use, or you could buy a protection amulet. (I find that the Circle of Protection works the best.) Also, you should probably cleanse your room or even your house with a smudge stick so that you can clear any bad energy. (Your friend should definitely do this because she burned the pieces in the brown bags, which could be dangerous.) If you have any lucky objects, you can transfer good and safe energy into them and use those for protection. (They work well because you have spiritual connection with them.) And you should also be careful from here on about what you say and do.
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Re: Someone cursed me
By: / Novice
Post # 4

I would agree in saying that you should craft an amulet or charm a bracelet or necklace so that it can be used as a protection/shielding token. This being done, I'd meditate and embrace the shields and repel the negative intent and energy that has been directed towards you. This being done, I think you should give this spell a glance:

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