I need help and support!

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I need help and support!
Post # 1
Hello there, I'm new here and I posted this because I really am in need of help and prayers.

I've been in love with a man named Marc-Wayne for a year now, but distance has made him question his feelings at times. I planned to travel to him and fix these problems, but my heart sank as I heard he was breaking up with me, and already had someone else...

I am an old soul, I recognize my soulmate because I have had so many loves before but none as strong as this. We completed each other in every way, even our differences. He complained things like "We don't talk much but just lay in bed." When I wanted to show him how content I was in his company. Our communication needed work I admit though, I am quite shy and have been hurt so many times, but I wanted to build our relationship and I think the distance had broken his spirit.

The new girl he is with is called Kaylin, she's my friend and she's known Marc-Wayne as long as I have. Her words were "We never had the chance of dating before and now we do." After I told her how much he means to me, and simply meeting her they "fell in love."
I'm sure you can see the problem of this, that he's hurt and probably confused. Yes, I am angry at him, but I'm truly in love with him, and he with me. I so wish his spirits didn't break and he gave me that chance..

This is why I'm writing here because I need some help.
I have done a rudimentary break up spell, where I write his and her name on a piece of paper, tear it in half so the names are separated, and continue tearing up her piece chanting

"As this paper breaks, so did their love.
As this paper dissolves, so it must be."

Before washing out the pieces under running water.
The problem is, I do not have candles and burning the paper is probably more effective, so I'm not sure whether it will have to results I need.

I want to be clear I do not hold hatred to this girl (Deep down slightly maybe, but i do not blame her.) So this spell shouldn't backfire on me, but I'm doing it for his good, rather than enter a relationship when he can save the relationship with his TRUE soulmate.

I focus on mainly prayers to Freya and Aprodite and all gods of love in existence, to avoid any dark forces turning this into something bad, and because I'm.not very experienced in magic but I love to learn and expand my knowledge.

So this is my post, asking maybe if someone can help me with a spell or prayers so Marc-Wayne can come back to where he belongs, and not hurt this Kaylin.
I understand it would be better to do this myself, but not having those resources or experience makes it harder. Please, if you can do this for me we can talk and maybe even become friends, I'm very much open to learning more.

Even a prayer to the gods of love on my behalf would be greatly appreciated.

This is SO important to me and in every prayer I cry because my heart aches so much, I truly love this man.
So please bring back what is meant to be.

Thank you everyone..
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Re: I need help and support!
Post # 2
Honestly... I think you should wait a few months and see how this plays out. Magick is a force, neither good nor evil, but it is a force nonetheless. It has lasting effects on the caster, the subject, and everything in between. Using the flow of energy as it courses through the universe, you are harnessing the power of creation to rewrite the path of yourself and those around you. You're somewhat new to the Craft, right?

Don't let your beginning be tainted by using it in such an impulsive manner. I strongly recommend you take some time to center yourself, perhaps consult divination techniques, but don't use magick to try and influence the path others have taken unless you're absolutely certain it's the only way to help them.

I hope this helps.
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Re: I need help and support!
Post # 3
Aye yes a friend helped me realize that. I am going to spend some time centering myself, and maybe looking up other small ways to attract love, charms and amulets to give me confidence maybe.

The spells are for a later stage, once I can see what's left of their relationship, and I'm strong enough. But right now some prayers is all I really need, and I've begun praying to Freya or any love God recently asking for their help, and I already feel stronger.
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Re: I need help and support!
Post # 4
Then I'm glad for you. Just know that magick is a tool for personal growth, and leaning on it for too long can have negative effects. I hope everything works out for you!
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