an empathy spell?

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an empathy spell?
Post # 1
i have heard that spells to feel what another feels exists but is it plausible?
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Re: an empathy spell?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
More plausible spell would be to cast one to enhance a skill/natural inclination/gift that is already there, rather than trying to manifest such skill from scratch. For example, if a person is a psychopath and does not experience certain feelings casting any spell to make oneself to feel something is not plausible.

The major percent human being are empathic to a different degree because we are social specie. Thus, being able to connect to others and relate to others emotionally always played a very important role in our societies. It is a skill that can be harnessed and nurtured.

Having typed that, I would say that this type of spell that automatically makes you feel what someone else does, without having the natural predisposition to experiencing strong empathic connections will not work. At best, it will enhance what you already have got and have developed, at worst will just do nothing. The bottom line is that you cannot manifest a skill out of nowhere by just using a spell, if you did not have already natural talent for this skill. You need to also develop this ability further through practice and exercise. From my own experience, empaths who experience all of the feelings of a person at same time are rare. What usually happens is that you pick up the most strongest feelings experienced by them at that time. Usually, this feelings are feelings of fear, pain and/or anger. This is the case because these are the strongest feelings a human being usually experiences themselves. The evolution has made sure that they are the strongest because our survival depends on these feelings warning you that there is something terribly wrong in this situation and your life might be in danger and you might need to either run or make your possibly last stand.

My mother is empathic as I am. We live separated by the entire continent of Europe. When, I am happy and safe she does not pick up on these emotions. However, when my life was in danger and I was experiencing very intense feelings of fear and distress, she knew it immediately and was trying to find me desperately. Comes to show that mothers have so strong connection with their children they know they are in danger. I have heard about cases in which even mothers with no previous experiences of empathy suddenly felt that their child is in mortal danger and possibly even already dead. So I assume being female and mother can be predisposition to experience something similar with or without spell.
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