I usex blood in a spell

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I usex blood in a spell
Post # 1
Without really understanding what I was doing. It was not until months later where I found out how serious this was. What should I do now? Also, can anyone recommend any good books for beginner spellcasters? Thanks!
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Re: I usex blood in a spell
Post # 2
There are still people that use blood when writing a spell nowadays. Some use pen. When we talk about the device being used to create spells it will really depend on the preference of the individual. (Device for this case is the ink you are using)

I guess the question is: What spell were you actually doing? Although you have to understand that there are spells that do not work instantly just because you used your own blood. Most spells take a huge amount of understanding and focus before the spell will actually work.

For beginner's most of the time, the result is: Them getting infected on the spot they cut themselves to get the blood needed for the spell. Be sure to sterilize what you are going to use to cut yourself and apply first aid immediately after getting enough.

If you are new. Start by researching what magic is and what it can and cannot do. Don't just start casting spells since it looks fun. You have to know what you are getting yourself into. Some good things to work on would be: Grounding, Shielding, Meditation and Healing.

Never start doing what is on the Intermediate Level without mastering the Basics!
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Re: I usex blood in a spell
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from Misc Topics.
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