
Forums ► Other Paths ► Summoning
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Post # 1
Is it possible to summon/invoke/call the God Quetzalcoatl from Aztec Mythology to aid in battle? If so, how does one go on in doing so? All answers are accepted here. Thanks for any feedback
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Re: Summoning
Post # 2
Short answer, yes, I am aware of reconstructionists who are working with Quetzalcoatl. I don't quite understand why you would require his aid in "battle", but that's beside the point.

I would assume you work with him like any other deity. Reach out and see if you receive a response. If you wish to use Aztec Recon' systems I would strongly recommend you find some trusted/reliable information regarding it and a few people who would be willing to help you on the finer points.

(Finer point of terminology - please be mindful using the term summoning when referring to deities. Summoning is usually seen semantically as a "strong" action, such as demanding, instead of a polite request. Depends who you ask, but yeah.)

Good luck.
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Re: Summoning
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Other Paths from Spiritual Creatures.
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Re: Summoning
Post # 4

What Hodge has said is a sentiment I heavily agree with. I prefer to use the term, "invite" to show that their presence is very much welcomed and appreciated but not as if I am demanding or acting as if I can boss them around. The term just comes off as disrespectful by definition. It's a term people now try to reclaim and redefine but even by dictionary definitions it does come off very rude.

"Authoritatively or urgently call on (someone) to be present."

"Urgently demand help."


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Re: Summoning
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Just to add this onto the invite versus summon choice in words. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. What I mean is it's the method you use not what you call it that matters. I can't imagine that if I used the method taught in the lesser key of Solomon but called it inviting the being would be any less angry.
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Re: Summoning
Post # 6
Ah but summonings most often used context is that of the ritual act of demanding. The methods of calling those entities in that book are considered ritual summonings by many and parts of those have been used in others made.

There is a distinction in what you call it because it implies what action you are taking. To an average magical user the word summoning usually implies the ritual act. Yes ultimately the action is what's important, however on a forum the only way we can understand what action one is looking to take is through the use of words. I believe they were trying to to give their understanding to better gain understanding of the situation at hand.
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