Craft books in CT area

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Craft books in CT area
Post # 1
If you read my bio, it starts with me talking about my grandmother, who gave me books to study on magick. This grandmother I reference was a bibliophile to the max. She read everything the ever touched her hands, but didn't have the space to keep her books, so she often times donated her books (specifically the magick inclines ones) to the libraries in the surrounding area of west central CT. So it doesn't matter where you live in the state, if you look for any magick related books on the library pc catalog system- you could have them loaned to your library and check them out for your continued study and assistance. She donated over 100 magick related books (AP, dreams, spirit communication, wicca and pagan guides, ect. For over a 30 years!)- if you look for them, you will find them. She donated them for you. For those who feel the call but need some free resources or help in finding your way there.

Check out what your local library has, you might be pleasantly surprised. And even if you don't live in CT, check out the interlibrary process. You could get books from other libraries that may have what you are looking for (it can occur between states but it's a process that has special conditions, it is mostly done from university libraries to smaller libraries across the USA. Don't sleep on that information though! If you want to learn it- there is always a way).

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