
Forums ► Site Spells Discussion ► help!
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Post # 1
ok so i want to do a "get over someone" spell
and since tonight is a full moon i wanna see
if theres more chance of it working... anyone know
of any ones that actually "work"? please lemme
know before midnight tonight.. which over here is like
in 2 hours from right now..

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Re: help!
Post # 2
A full moon effect last about ten days.. O_O so you can still do it.. but you need to use your wording in a positive way.. if you are going to use it in a negative way... you are better off doing it on a new moon.. and always try to add some other things that can help like candles and crystals.
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Re: help!
Post # 3
thank you! yea im doing it for a good cause..
i got cheated on so yea i fell for him and
i just want to forget him for good
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