No Subject

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No Subject
Post # 1
I have a beautiful pentacle which, though I am not actively using it, I would never sell or give away; I made it myself out of a kind of air-drying clay, & it is enameled & lined with metal tape. I leafed it in silver; there are silver 6-pointed stars stamped on with leafing size, which I then leafed in silver. They are against a "faux-finish" kind of background that looks like a starry sky; it's faux lapis lazuli, with metallic powders sprinkled around. It's very realistic! :D (I am a Druidic type & not sure what to do with it these days, though... :( )

I have a "ceremonial short broadsword" as I call it; it is rather large to call an athame! It is a Franklin Mint specimen; cost kinda a lot (I never *did* finish paying for it though!). It has a fancy "blade" that has curves & points; it is enameled with black knotwork. It has a handle comprised of 2 dragons, with real carnelian eyes; these are surmounted by a tiny "tower" from which rises a brilliant Swarovski crystal point. It has gold plating, too. In the center of the hilt, there is a circle with more knotwork, containing 4 carnelians & an onyx at the center. It hangs over my altar area on its display plaque.

Wands? Which one? :p I have a beautiful one of amethyst with a quartz tip & a very flawless crystal mini-ball at the base. I have one from the Middle East (1st one would be from there too) made of rosewood; it has a few stones on it including a quartz tip, but it's missing one. Which is why the guy at the Silk Road Festival in DC (2002) just gave it to me, no doubt!

I have another that I am working on; it's a simple pine dowel covered in black velvet (a ribbon wrapped lengthwise around it) & then wrapped in gold-plated wire. This has some optical cats'-eye beads on it, but I never finished the wand. It's a pity, because the handle is a very unique, giant rutile-quartz bead the end of which contains a beautiful Swarovski that flashes shades of blue & lilac.

Another one - final one! - is my "Silver Branch". I cut it myself from a VERY old crabapple tree (I think it's been cut down since). It's VERY magickal - it presides directly over my altar. I want to leaf it in silver 1 of these days & cover it with bells, as is traditional.

I have a GORGEOUS grail-chalice made by the famed "Alchemy Gothic" in Great Britain. It is shaped like a Celtic cup - half-sphere bowl, circular base that goes up to the bowl in the shape of a trumpet. It is embellished with 2 fuschia-dyed abalone shells in Celtic scroll-work bosses.

I have a tiny cauldron. :D It was my toy kettle as a child; it has no lid (unfortunately), but it is real cast iron.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 2
"wow nice ^-^"

Seconded, very impressive collection you got there!
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Re: No Subject
Post # 3
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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
STONE: CARNELIAN ACTION, ENGERY, CREATIVITY, SEX DRIVE. These are just a brief meaning to your stones
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