Hello All, I'm new here.

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Hello All, I'm new here.
Post # 1
What can I say. I am 34yrs old married and father of 5 with another one on the way. I found magic via a battle buddie in the ARMY, I do most of it in solitary. If my children wish to learn I will help them but only when they ask. I feel this path was layed before me long ago and they must make their own mind up as to their beliefs. I don't realy do much magic as in spells mostly Astro projection and out of body (touching without physicaly touching the person). I truly want to learn much more, just so I can become one with the various elements. I don't like the idea of just choosing green, white, black, etc. styles of magic. I feel life is not all one type so a well balanced person should learn and be able to adapt to the surroundings as well as call for magic. The world isn't all black and white nor shall I be. Which makes choosing a coven on this site difficult. I don't want to just give in to the black magic nor the others, I desire to learn some of all. To help nature, people and family. To do good and combat those whom can and will cause harm to others. If you have any ideas I'm very open. Perhaps I am just being to choosy.
Love and Light
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