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Post # 1
As suggested in another forum to my situation i did a tarot reading, can someone help me understand this?
I am looking into a relationship with another man,i am married, think i want out of my marriage, see old/new post,or sad story, to see the whole story. THANKS!!!

The first house - Aries - describes the inquirer.
Card:Knight of Swords - A confident articulate young man.

The second house - Taurus - denotes finances and material goods.
Card:6 of Wands - Victory and success.

The third house - Gemini - short journeys and communications.
Card:Ace of Pentacles (reversed) - New found wealth may not last.

The fourth house - Cancer - home and family.
Card:2 of Cups (reversed) - Emotional battles.

The fifth house - Leo - pleasure, romance and creativity.
Card:Page of Cups (reversed) - A unreliable child.

The sixth house - Virgo - health matters and day to day work.
Card:3 of Wands - Fortells success in business or creative endeavours.

The seventh house - Libra - partnerships, personal and business.
Card:Ace of Cups (reversed) - Indicates running away from feelings.

The eighth house - Scorpio - denotes deaths, major changes, inheritance and sexuality.
Card:6 of Cups (reversed) - It is time to cut the cords which bind you to your past.

The ninth house - Sagittarius - long distance travel and philosophy of life.
Card:8 of Pentacles (reversed) - Meaningless toil.

The tenth house - Capricorn - career.
Card:10 of Swords - Ruin and betrayal.

The eleventh house - Aquarius - friends.
Card:6 of Swords (reversed) - Continuing difficulties.

The twelfth house - Pisces - hidden things, unconscious wishes and fears.
Card:Page of Swords (reversed) - A tricky child.
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Re: HELP!!
Post # 2
message me, i can help you out.
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Re: HELP!!
Post # 3
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