
Forums ► General Info ► Underworld
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Post # 1
Okay if demons and mystic creatures are real!!!
They need to live in Underworld!!
So how can we get the?
Are there any door to get there?

And how to become a Demon or somthing like that?


Re: Underworld
Post # 2
well I prefer to use the word 'Otherworld' rather than 'Underworld' but shaman can open portals to the Otherworld, so if anyone here knows about shamanism and opening otherworld portals then please post them in your coven spellbook and make them public.

Re: Underworld
Post # 3
there are spells to become half demon and full demon just look them up in the search bar.

Re: Underworld
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
Those spells are fake. You are human and will remain so.

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