Religious Intolerance

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Religious Intolerance
Post # 1
I had a paper for my Composition class, the title of the project was "What is one major problem that Americans face today?" I choose religious intolerance, as it is a persitant and ongoing battle that everyone in any religion seems to be facing on a daily basis. In my search on the web for a few examples, I came across quite a few religiously intolerant websites. I'll post them after I'm finished with this little rant. The one thing I've noticed the most is that most religions focus on the same thing, all religions hate each other and are in a power struggle for who has more followers. Preach PEACE and preform HATE....seems a little hypocritical to me. Personally I practice what i preach, but i just wanted some of you to look at these websites, and understand, that it doesn't matter what religion you follow, the basic concept is the same.....peace amongst man (even though it's pretty much impossible.) Peace is better than war guys and gals, so when approached by someone of another religion, hear them out and explain like a civilized person, that you understand their views, and that you'd like to explain yours. Be civilized about it, and try to maintain a peaceful calm.

and that was just a few. Tell me what you all think....this is deff, open for discussion. I want as many rumors laid to rest as possible for those who are beginners to the craft, or any variation of it.

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Re: Religious Intolerance
Post # 2
I'd say good job 10of 10 stars
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Re: Religious Intolerance
Post # 3
I realized that long ago, but thanks for sharing..
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Re: Religious Intolerance
Post # 4
just thought it would be something interesting to spark an intelligent discussion, figured I'd hear from ya eventually on this me sometime
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Re: Religious Intolerance
Post # 5
It is a very interesting discussion but not when you have give to much thought into it.. since almost everything is just base on belief and opinions.. there is no sure way to say who is right and who is wrong.. and who actually gives a damn of being right or wrong. I am a catholic by heritage, but I consider myself agnostic, after all I am a free thinker, and most religious.. and actually is better to say all religions limit the mind to wonder and wander.. and what is a mind with limitations but a brain washed one... ^_^ it is after all we ourselves make the limits.. each generation breaks a wall.. and makes a new one..There are some religions that for some people has lost that status.. like buddishm , it is consider a lifestyle more than a religion.. since you can be a Buddisth/Christian. Same with being christian is a belief and not a religion.. a religion is being Catholic and Mormons.. O_O my point is that you can have all those beliefs and yet belong to none of those churches or religions who claimed them (beliefs) as their own. All religions want peace but those in power wants to state in power.. I have never kneel myself in front of a pope.. and I am not planning on do so.. since he is merely human, same goes with any celebrity.. that is treated as god.. when their farts might smell worst than mine. In reality the new god of this modern word is the material idea..and religions are also following it.... -_- It is true money is a necessity but it has gone beyond that point. Peace is not really wanted in this earth.. if that was the case, the music will be more pleasant and the images shown on tv.. and the stories given in the newspapers.. as Human beings we are driven by struggle.. we die of boredom.. if there is just peace..
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Re: Religious Intolerance
Post # 6
love the response Vari, but i never said anything about any religion being wrong or right, i think they are all right in some areas and in others they may be wrong. It boils down to your own perspective. As for the Buddhism thing, Buddhism isn't a religion, nor has it ever been. It's a philosophy and a way of life. There is NO GOD in Buddhism, as Buddha, was merely a man and said when he was alive that he was not to be worshiped as he was no god at all, just a man who had been enlightened.
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Re: Religious Intolerance
Post # 7
::but i never said anything about any religion being wrong or right::
Neither I said about you saying it.. ^_^ I am never clear in my writing.. the whole point of religions of being in war is about the right and wrong concept.

::Buddhism isn't a religion, nor has it ever been::
Exactly, but many people has the misconceptions of being a religion and that people who practices see Buddha as a GOD. Jesus taught the same about enlightenment but the churches did not want their followers to go in an individual path free from right and wrong where each person its his/her own and yet all in one, and one in all.. sort of thing.. as they say we all brothers and sisters.. when speaking in a spiritual form.
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Re: Religious Intolerance
Post # 8
GOD= government organized distraction (my personal belief) and here is why i believe such...there were several books that were omitted from the bible, and there is about 30 years missing in jesus' life. You don't hear of his love with mary mag., and why did it take 33 rich politians to write a book that isn't meant to be taken litterally, over several years? The bible is meant to be a handbook with morals, and rules to live your life by, each word isn't meant to be taken litterally. Then again, as you've stated previously, it's about personal opions and beliefs.
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Re: Religious Intolerance
Post # 9
My definition of God is flowing energy without a higher purpose but to create and destroy. (((Since childhood as any one will wonder if God made us who made god.. I thought... ^_^ then I guess we created GOD...))) Life is an endless flow of energy that surpasses death, since death since to be just a transaction....of such energy. God is the unknown to us. As once I used to say... we Humans are mighty gods, since we can create and destroy as we please, the only thing that bounds us is the we are not free of regretting the consequences. God is within us, and we made ourselves gods.. God is everywhere, and anywhere.. -_- so God is energy in my definition.
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Re: Religious Intolerance
Post # 10
sounds like a good definition to me vari
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