healing sp. 4 my python

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healing sp. 4 my python
Post # 1
My snake is sick, and was wondering if anybody knows a healing aid spell or a protection spell from further sickness.(she is a 1 year old python) she was burned last week, and her Vet told me she would be fine, since it was a minor burn, but would get worse before it gets better, and said her next few sheds would be weird. Now it looks as though her she may have a slight case of scale rot (high humidity) although she was just at the vet last week, and she seemed fine other than the burn..I am waiting to get through to the Vets office for another appointment to be sure, but I could use some help-I am absolutely beside myself

Thanx guys
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Re: healing sp. 4 my python
Post # 2
Idk I do pranic healing and animals have kinda different auric system then humans. I dk is there a veternarien wicca on the site?
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Re: healing sp. 4 my python
Post # 3
I had a ball python that I got from someone that had a serious burn, her whole underside was burned, I put her in the tub with tepid water everyday for about 15 mins then when she dried off a bit I put aloe vera gel (straight from the plant) on it, was hard when she shed had to help remove the stuff around the burned area but she healed nicely.
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