Another Sense?

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Another Sense?
Post # 1
Sometimes when a person is walking behind me I get this feeling in my back it might tense up and I get a bad feeling about them, its not often though, one time this had happened, a guy was walking behind me and my back had tensed up and I felt weird about him and I looked behind me to see his face, 5 minutes later I was still in the store and I heard a few people kind of shouting, it turns out a guy had stole something and ran. Luckily he was caught, my mom rushed us out of the store for fear of my safety. Before we left I took a look at the guy the police were holding (the person who stole something), it was the guy who was walking behind me that I felt weird about. Most of the time nothing bad happens, I just feel iffy about them. Is it some weird sense?
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Re: Another Sense?
Post # 2
Hi! Well, it is definitely not a weird sense at all. In fact, I think almost all people have it! It is usually known as the "sixth sense", as it kind of "warns" you about some possible future events (precognition), strange people or animals; or even tell you about negative energies around you. In your case, it gave you an "advice" about that guy. So, in my opinion, I think you don't have to worry about it, and listen more to your "intuition". It'll be very useful, believe me.
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Re: Another Sense?
Post # 3
Thank you very much, I highly appreciate it. I had a feeling it was precognition I just wanted to be sure.
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