Help me please?

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Help me please?
Post # 1
Hi, I'm 13 years old I am a complete loner at school and everywhere I go, everyone thinks I'm a failure to the whole human race every other race there is in the whole universe (I'm even think I'm a failure. Please don't pitty me, but I've been thinking about suicide, praying that my next life will be better. so anyways my point is, are there any spells to bring a true loyal friend into my life? Or at least to help stop me from thinking about suicide? And as I asked please don't pitty me.
Thank you, May the Gods and Goddesses bless you all,
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Re: Help me please?
Post # 2
Hi Blackmoon, You are not a failure, learn from your mistakes and try again. Everyone won't get it the first time. Also, being a loner just means you haven't found the right friends yet. The ones that you will get along with. I'll be your friend on here if you need one here but suicide is never the answer to any problem. life is to precious to throw away. You have only been seeing the bad parts to life, now try and see the good. be more open to making new friends. I'm sure if you want it enough you will find a friend. The key to this is to have a positive attitude. Positive thoughts will bring positive results. Forget about the past and look forward to a bright future filled with friends and happiness. If you believe you will see that you start getting a lot more of wat you ask for. Just keep the faith.
Love and Light. Peace and Balance
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Re: Help me please?
Post # 3
Ain't every body? ^_^ You are a failure as long as you accept you are a failure... you are not made of gold to be like by everybody.. and you are entering into your teens people will dislike you even more.. no one likes teenager.. I never did hahahaha.. ^_^ in either case, to think of death is normal.. to think of suicide is not unusual I think of it all the time.. and I am against it.. if you really want to kill yourself go head.. that is my advice for each person who comes saying wants to die.. but that only if you truly want to die.. because you have to think about it you will still die either way.. and if you already passed survival.. now you are dealing with acceptance.. if you go back to survival state... you will forget all about dying.. and think about living.. and will care less who survive and not even really think about who accepts you .. for me most people are faceless.. I do not remember names.. nor care to remember them..
Humans for the most time hate humans.. we are the only creatures next to the apes who will kill intentionally besides other animals they only care for the first state and that is survival.
Right now, you think this is all garbage.. and if you are really depressed.. it will keep on growing till you kill yourself or die or worst go ballistic and kill others. ^_^ bright side you will be a top story.. bad side you will once again be nameless...So, you probably have friends.. it is more likely but because you are drowning on a glass of water you are not aware of those who are there for you.. right now you are more selfish than any thing.. You might be thinking I do not know anything.. O_O more probable you are right..but I am selfish, because I do not like to be with friends.. I am a loner by choice.. everybody has friends... and you know when you have real friends.. and that is when you are a big trouble.. they will either be with you in it or trying to get you out. In either case.. I bet you got friends you just do let them be with you either because you think of them as losers.. and will ruin you more.. O_O hahahah.... then again this all goes back to acceptance.. you are worrying for the wrong stuff.. as most human believe... each man for his own... and that is what is all about.. *_* You cannot let no one tell you what you are but yourself.. it is your choice to accept their suggestion as yours.. or to make your own... FREE WILL man.. you can kill yourself.. and be done with it.. or make life an adventure.. but I ASSURE YOU!! YOU GOT FRIENDS!!! is all about letting them be your friend.. and you be their friend.
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Re: Help me please?
Post # 4
Dude, I don't think ur a failure, & I doubt anyone else on this site does either. (although I'm sure many ppl, [me included] have been in ur possition @ least once in their lives) But it's apparent that ur depressed. I wrote a spell to help drive off depression for a couple hours @ a time, but it won't do any good in the long run. u should seriously get professional help. Go see a psycologist. Treasure your life. Everyone is special in their own way. Believe in yourself & keep faith. ur life is certainly NOT worth wasting.
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Re: Help me please?
Post # 5
'Don't quit
when the tide is lowest,
For it's just about to turn;
Don't quit
over doubts and questions,
For there's somethingyou may learn.

Don't quit
when the night is darkest,
For it's just a while 'til dawn;
Don't quit
when you've run the furthest
For the race is
almost won.

Don't quit
when the hill is steepest,
For your goal is almost nigh;
Don't quit
For you're not a failure
Until you say you are.'

You should listen to yourself, whel to your poem at least, i've modified the last part,

Look i've been a rejected loner for all my primary school and now that i'm in secoundery school, things turned out well!
if i killed my self i would know nothing about friends, joy... but if you desside to kill yourself now, YOU are going to miss it all, it's not because you're a "loner" now that you're gonna be one for all the rest of your life!

I think that suicide is the most stupid thing to do, it's like waisting the most wonderful thing that exists! maby that you're just not where you're supposed to be so take you're life in your hands and do something out of it!

Change school!
Go do after school activitises!
Have fun alone! (That's what i've done during primary school)

You have to try out new stuff and i know that you might just not feel like dowing that but you know that you have to push yourself and do it, show others that you can be happy with out them, proove them that they're not worth it and do your best so that after graduation they work for you and then you can make them sweet reel good! :P

or... it might not be like that , you could just go kill yourself with out dowing ennything out of your life, your're going to rune your parents life, your siblings if you have enny and trust me, they're NEVER going to get over it, they're gowing to go blame eatch others, and them selfs, they're not going to talk to eatch other... or barly, and even if they do, it's never going to be the same thing as before, there weel alwase be an wired cold negative feeling and evry one has something in them that makes them different then others, and it's that little thing, that little sparkle that is in to you, every one has one diffrent than other, and that little tiny thing that's into you, every one is going to miss it, at least you're famely will, they won't be able to live without it. That's into you, you can't just take that away from them!

I don't understand how people that do it can be so selfish!
Just don't kill yourself for the sake of the one you love, even if you write a note, it won't help!

ehh, i've never called there because i never had to but it might be usefull...

National Sueside Prevention Lifetime
call: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

It might help
and if you desside to live, send me an email so i can stop to worry...
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Re: Help me please?
Post # 6
Thank you for your guidance Mars, it helps.
Variados, I'm sorry to say you are wrong I have absolutly no friends, EVERYONE hates my guts. But thank you for trying to help, and what you have to say to me.
And Santiana I'm petrafied of those physciogist dudes, and they only waist our money, what I'm trieing to say is they won't be able to help me. I trust not one soul on this planet (not even my family), I probably wouldn't tell them anything about me. But again thank you for trying to help, and what you have to say to me.
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Re: Help me please?
Post # 7
O_O but I am never wrong..... probably i am wrong when saying I am not wrong but that is only when I am really wrong.. and no my friend.. ^_^ you do have friends.. you just do not want them.. and hate your guts will be a job of a friend.. *_*
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Re: Help me please?
Post # 8
Eleminahklg, thank you for you guidance as well. I'm debating what I should do with my life at this moment. So I'm gonna take some time to think completely what would happen to the others around me. Thank you once again to every one.
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Re: Help me please?
Post # 9
-_- is better not to think..
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Re: Help me please?
Post # 10
lol, Variados, you are very confusing but I can understand you, I don't know how but I can. And thanks for confusing me it took my mind off somethings
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