help anyone ?

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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 11

So is a man severly hurt somone you loved you wouldnt want to hurt him back

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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 12
Would hurting them undo the damage he's already done? No. If she cares about you as much as you care about her, is she going to want to see you go to jail for doing something stupid? No. She'll need you to be there with her while she recovers.

Holding onto a grudge is like holding onto a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at your enemy. It only burns you. -Siddhartha Gautama
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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 13
I am quoting some key points in this statement....

I do wish that you wouldn't press your own personal beliefs on others. Please stop for the sake and protection of the forums. We have our different standpoints. Sure, it is illegal in most countries but those are laws and those laws are established because of mores which are completely different than morals. Mores is based on what individual groups think someone "shouldn't" do (e.x. stabbing someone to death/murder) and laws are made to prohibit these things. Mores also intertwine with folkways (norms within a society). On the other hand, morals are something that are a subset of mores. Morals determine what is right or wrong for a society; it tells the difference between the two. Mores and morals are not universal despite the fact that many countries may uphold the same values. Mores and morals often change over the years (e.x. Gay marriage [an old more] or sacrificing [now viewed morally bad in the U.S.] ) and are dependent on individual cultures and their subcultures as well.

Now in this scenario, you are giving a poor example with stabbing someone. Spells do not break any mores in the U.S. because magic is not illegal here (please note that I am not referring to other countries); however, the use of magic to inflict pain on someone is morally bad to "some" groups but not every group promotes the same behavior (e.x. Some Christians believe magic is a sin but different pagan groups do not) especially when you do not follow a particular group in relation to a topic such as magic.
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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 14
"Stop pushing your opinion it's getting in the way of me pushing mine."
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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 15
Crimes of passion happen for a reason, and sadly there is nothing in nature more natural than savage violence.

Personally if you are an individual hell bent on vengeance or revenge, and so long as you are prepared to deal with the potential ramifications, then have at it.

Actually been there and did it...burn the tshirt though as it would be evidence.

Luck to you in all.
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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 16
Please do not generate an argument. I have not inflicted my views upon anyone. I have stated my own knowledge of the study of human behavior nor have I stated my opinion on what I think is right and wrong.
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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 17
Peccator may sound a bit...."preachy" in his posts, but I will have to admit he is absolutely correct. Holding a grudge or hate within yourself will eat away at you until your entire person changes. Cool minds prevail always, but I will admit there is quite nothing like getting even.

Sometimes we do have to make war to have peace, it is our nature.
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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 18
That experience is a personal one and you can't use that to define others. Your experience does not determine that it is right or wrong for everyone. That only pertains to you. I have done my share of curses before. Did I feel sorry? Did it eat me alive? No.
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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 19
I have one would you like me to mail it to you?
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Re: help anyone ?
Post # 20
Personally I have to agree with Peccator with regards to right and wrong. I believe that with the power to cast spells and have them work, comes a certain level of ethical responsibility. Of course it's everyone's prerogative to do as they please; I can't force anyone to follow my beliefs but, using the idea that causing harm to someone is ok because we all have different beliefs systems just does not fly with me.

Yes, I'm sure there are as many spells that cause harm as ones that are well meaning, so obviously there is a market for them. Remember this though, with the mindset that it's ok to use a spell to harm another...don't complain when life throws that same pain right back at you. After all, if it's ok to dish it out, it's ok to receive it. Who knows, it could just be someone who feels as you do now. I'm sure you would understand how they feel in wanting to cause you harm or inflict a little pain, right?

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