Merry Meet )O(

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Merry Meet )O(
Post # 1

My name is Zach, and I have been studying Wicca for the past 5 years, though I still consider myself a beginner in the craft. I practice Hellenic Wicca, with my main deities being Athena, Apollo, Demeter, Hera, and I also follow and work with all the other Hellenic gods. I was recently introduced to a circle here in my home town, and they wish to make me their High Priest because I know a lot, and am very energetic.
I am an empath, and I have multiple vivid, precognitive dreams each week. All of my dreams are vivid, but I have only had two lucid dreams.

Things I want to learn:

Astral Projection



Crystal uses.

I play guitar, ocarina, and dulcimer. I love looking through my telescope at the moon ( Although I'm terrified of the things that wake within the night.)

My favorite wand is made from a stick of Black Elder, and a core of graphite, to heal the chakras and banish negative spirits.

I also speak French, Spanish, Latin, Greek, and English, my native language.

It is very nice to meet you all.
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Re: Merry Meet )O(
Post # 2
Merry meet, Zach, and blessed be! )O(
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