A begginers guide to spel

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A begginers guide to spel
Post # 1
Magic is the most ancent of all the spiritual arts yet it is one that has an important
Place in the modern world it is a source of personal power and protection and above all it helps us to connect with nature and the slower more harmonious of life

white magic is entirely positive and harms no one but
Seeks only to bring good things into your lives to those
We love and into the world

Black magic
Has traditionally referred to the use of super national powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes with respect to the left hand path and right hand path dichotomy
Black magic is the malicious left hand counter part of benevolent white magic in modern times some find that the definition of black magic has been convoluted by people who define magic or ritualistic practices that they disapprove of as black magic

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Re: A begginers guide to spel
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: A begginers guide to spel
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
You have posted this exact theme before, and was told then that Magic has no colour. What supernatural powers are you talking about? There is nothing supernatural about magic!
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Re: A begginers guide to spel
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Your post is difficult to read due to the fact that you have no punctuation. It is entirely a single run on sentence.

I understand that you are trying to be informative, but understand that magic has no color, only intention. Magic itself is neutral. Also, magic does not require any kind of "supernatural" ability.

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Re: A begginers guide to spel
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
I have read this young boy's bio, and he is from Kurdistan, so English will not be his first language.But you are right,Rhis. His punctuation is really bad!
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