
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► hello!
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Post # 1
I'm really bad with introductions, so I'll reiterate a lot of my profile here:

I'm 24/f/Scorpio. I've been studying magick for about 11 years, but my level of dedication has always ebbed and flowed. I deeply believe in magic (It's part of who I am at the very core) but I always let more mundane and unfulfilling obligations take precedence... Now in my 20s I'm finally starting to learn how to live a more balanced and spiritually aware life. I joined this site just hoping to make friends and help out where I can.

My practice is easiest to describe as hedgecraft or hoodoo. I work with deities, but also angels & demons, and Nature spirits.

I also practice divination – I've gotten a Lenormand deck that I need to break in, so I'll offer readings soon!
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Re: hello!
Post # 2
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