
CovenSpell Casters ► Deities
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Post # 1

I was hoping someone could clarify something for me. I have noticed in a lot of spells and rituals, you are supposed to invoke either THE goddess and THE god, or you own goddess and god. Must you choose one? And do you just choose one god and one goddess that you connect with? Can they be from different mythologies? What do you invoke them for? I'm confused and it would be great if you could help me out.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Deities
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Unless specified it's either the Wiccan God and Goddess or your personal deities. I don't think most people are Wiccan, but many spells seem to call on the Lord and Lady or a non-specific deity. Use the one you have a connection with. While a love spell calling on Aphrodite would be wise since she rules love, if you have never spoken with her, it's a little rude to ask her for help just ask asking a stranger about dating advice would be odd. You can worship deities from other mythologies, make sure they mix well. A God of war might not get along with a God of peace. The reason you would invoke a deity in a spell would be to ask for extra help, other reasons would be to speak with them and grow closer. When you cast a circle and light a candle to represent your deity you're asking for said deity to join you.
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