Deity Quesions?

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Re: Deity Quesions?
Post # 2

Not exactly. We've gotten so much snow because of the weather. Weather made snow. Not Apollo.

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Re: Deity Quesions?
Post # 3
I'm not talking about the snow. Actually it snows a lot where I lived, before I worshipped Apollo I nearly froze to death. Now that I worship him, I strangely can never get cold. Like I'm literally wearing shorts and a hoodie.
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Re: Deity Quesions?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

That could imply nerve damage or some other medical issue, which you should consider getting checked out.

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Re: Deity Quesions?
Post # 5
Apollo is associated with the Sun, so this type of thing would most likely happen since he would watch over you in such manner, and also that is the thing about a belief, to others it may seem like a coincidence in contrast to the believer who says otherwise.
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Re: Deity Quesions?
Post # 6
Personified gives the right advice. When something odd happens, check for a physical explanation first.
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Re: Deity Quesions?
Post # 7
True, but its not always something medically wrong with you, it could be a high metabolism keeping him warm, which i would also credit Apollo with since one of his specialties is medicine (healing).
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Re: Deity Quesions?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8

If it is a thyroid issue, it is also a medical issue and my advice would be the same. Whenever you experience physical changes in your body as such- you should seek a doctors opinion.

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Re: Deity Quesions?
Post # 9
Like usual, Personified gave good advice. He may watch over you, but this is Also a health issue, that could be a problem. Therefore, check it out.

Regarding your question, I work with Apollo, and worship him too. However, while I feel a connection with the sun and be stars more, older age people, who wroshipped deities, didn't always have the best of luck. They still went through hardships. As to me, Well I incorporated him alot into mine. Apollo is actually not truly a sun God. He is the god of performance, and health. His snake is usually the symbol of health in our, world. Since Apollo is seen as a sun God, due to recent depictions, you may just feel more at ease. Thus, causing your mind to think your feeling Something your not.

Still check it, out.
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Re: Deity Quesions?
Post # 10
Gods simply don't work as directly as that, nothing in magic is instantaneous when effecting the physical, the effect is subtle. I can tell you if we took a priest of Apollo from ancient Greece and planted him in the Arctic; he would freeze to death.
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Re: Deity Quesions?
Post # 11
I said associated with the sun, not a sun God, and no one here decides to go ask a theoretical scientist their opinion when their spells work and obviously it is not that simple but the act of acknowledging a god is within itself an act of connecting with them. The last comment was an exaggeration, of course you will freeze but hes not exactly giving us much to go on.
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