felling victuim

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felling victuim
Post # 1
I'm sorry if this a really dumb question but
How would you/someone know that they are under a spell or curse without having knowledge or being told?
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Re: felling victuim
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

a curse in my view never works until the person on whom acurse is casted on knows about it.....

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Re: felling victuim
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Always rule out medical issues or seek a doctor before concluding its a spell. This goes for healing too, a cold healed with magick is one thing pneumonia is another.

There are different kinds of curses so not all applies but you should have most:

  • If an enemy is suddenly having good luck and you're having bad. Specifically if it coincides with your misfortune. Example, you fail a test, they get perfect, you loose money while they find money, your boyfriend leaves you and their love life suddenly takes off.

  • Sense a 'heavy' energy around you [kind of hard to explain, but you'd feel like there's a weight on your shoulders or attached to your arms everywhere you go]

  • Feeling uneasy, nervous, anxious, scared, depressed, or feel sick for a long period of time [achie, tired, soar]

  • Unusual accidents or injuries [like you constantly trip going up stairs when it rarely happened before]

  • Find strange objects or received a gift around the time you started feeling cursed [a doll dressed like you, a strange object in your bag/locker, or given an object like a necklace to wear]

  • There are other signs and there are logical explanations for them as well. If you feel you are cursed do a cleansing and cast a protection spell. [Even if you don't it's a good habit to get into since we have negative energy stick to us throught the day] Above all, forget about the curse. Most of the times we trick ourselves into thinking we are cursed, we worry, attract negative energy, and curse ourselves. Best to move on with the thought 'I cleanses the negative energy and I am protecting myself from it returning'.
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    Re: felling victuim
    By: / Beginner
    Post # 4
    I feel that way most mornings when I have to get up.....takes a while but most days I feel better the longer I'm awake.
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