Hi, I'm New

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Hi, I'm New
Post # 1
Hello everyone. I just wanted to reach out, I'm new to both the site and spell casting. I have no experience with it, but I have always been drawn to it. I am 23, I have had a meditation practice for about 6 years. I am in tune with my chakras and the energies that flow through myself and all things in the universe. I believe in a universal power greater than myself and I strive to live through balance of the energies that surround me, most especially those of the sun and the moon.
That's just a bit about me, I do not want to jump into trying spells right away, I would like to gain as much knowledge as I can, to go about my journey in the best way I can. Any pointers, tips, guidelines, would be recieved and appreciated, I thank you in advance for aiding me on this life journey.
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Re: Hi, I'm New
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Introduce Yourself from Welcome.
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