Casting a circle?

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Casting a circle?
Post # 1
Hello! I tried a method of circle casting which I found on the internet. It involves casting a circle and calling watchtowers / quarters / elements. But some strange things happened. I felt like somebody (or something) was watching me and inside of the circle got really hot. There was really no sun or a heat source but it really did got hot. Although circle didn't have physical lines I swear I once felt real heat when my hand was near ''imaginary lines''. Is this normal? Are sprits caused it? Should I be worried?
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Re: Casting a circle?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Completely normal. You have created holy ground of sorts, the deities are welcome inside, you also called upon the watchtowers to watch over your circle. This explains your feeling of being watched. Heat is also normal, happens with my circle and any of my covenmates circles. Your circle is full of energy, which can become rather warm. You might also notice casting a circle near an open window or on a cold night, the wind is less intense until you open the circle or it has been broken somehow.
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