New member, need help

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New member, need help
Post # 1
Hello all, my name is pawench. I need help with a problem I'm having. I live in a dormitory, and people on my floor have been harassing me. It got so bad that I had to call the cops last week. My Resident Director and Resident Advisor on my floor blame it on me because I confronted them about their obnoxious behavior. They told me that my expectations are too high and that I'm "ripping the floor apart". Just earlier tonight when I was walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth one of them called me the b-word. I'm scared that they might try to assault me. Could someone please help?
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Re: New member, need help
Post # 2
This is a legal issue and you need to document it in case something happens. You can use protection spells and or shielding, but it's not the most effective on this type of thing. Write down what happened on what day and at what time. If it continues, copy the info and make complaints. Make a paper trail in case something happens.
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Re: New member, need help
Post # 3
Already done. However, my RD and my RA have made it clear to me that they no longer want to help me, since I have directly contacted the head of Residence Life at my school. They both probably got into trouble because they obviously aren't doing their jobs very well.
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