magic and uses

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magic and uses
Post # 1
I am a bit of a beginner, though i have done a little magic, and was wondering what all magic can be used for. I am able to do it, but am unsure what our limits are. I get that some things are not able to be done, but other than that i don't entirely understand. If someone could please explain at least a summary of what is able to be done and what is not, i would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: magic and uses
By: / Novice
Post # 2
To paraphrase Scott Cunningham, magick is the very real natural force we use to create subtle changes to effect our lives.

Magick is energy found in nature. When you cast a spell, you are using this energy to effect the energy around us and create change in our lives for good or bad. Since its a part of nature, it cannot work against nature and create physical changes and make us do things not in human nature [like flight or invisibility]

Basically if a spell claims an instant, sudden, or dramatic physical change it probably doesn't work. Finally grey area with magick include death, beauty and weather spells. If a beauty spell requires you to wash your face with a special blend, or say a chant while brushing your hair, depending on the claimed results, it works but by speeding results instead of an instant change. Death and weather are very powerful, some feel too powerful for humans, but it works with forces so it might be real. Do not cast them as an experiment if they work you will effect many people.

For now, stick with luck and protection spells until you gain a better grasp of magick, what it can/can't do and who it could effect.
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Re: magic and uses
Post # 3
awww no tf magic.... :(
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Re: magic and uses
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Ok, D, please stop spamming the forums. It's against the rules and its also starting to get on my nerves.
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