
Forums ► Other Paths ► Lilith
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Re: Lilith
Post # 27
Is relatively easy to summon Lilith. She is a night demon.
For a summonig is completely sufficient mediattion about her name.
She appears in a green green light.
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Re: Lilith
Post # 28
Lilith is a demonic goddess. She is both a demon and a goddess.
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Re: Lilith
Post # 29
Lilith was a goddess demonized by man. She is not a demon. Like Astarte and Baal of goetic demons, she is a demonized goddess. You can pray to Lilith, she will listen. She is picky on who she chooses though.
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Re: Lilith
Post # 30
in realty does it really matter if lilith is real or not a demon human or goddess. If Lilith help one connect to the divine feminine I say the more power to far as lilith being nothing both a myth one should not be so quick to throw myths aside i know mean people on this is pagan.Most people in the world think of are gods nothing more then story you tell your kids. My point is myths have more power the most people give credit for.the key in is to have faith if DeviantMoon wish to worship lilith. let her if you wish to worship odin kila gaia or with ever god you wish to follow then more power to you what ever connects you to the divine and gives you faith then do so with your whole heart.
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Re: Lilith
Post # 31
Lilith is not a myth. She is a real goddess.
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Re: Lilith
Post # 32

There's been great question about Lilith not just now but in the past. She's certainly a unique case and can be worshiped in a slue of different ways and from your choice of several different belief systems both traditional and new age.

I'm a big fan of Goetic literature so of course I've run into her name on a few occasions. To begin with I rarely see her described as actually being evil by nature. She has darker aspects but don't all deities? Second of all even depicted as the mother of demons I was under the impression that even on SoM it was widely accepted that demons aren't entirely a bad way to go. They can be just ornery as so called "angels" and they can be just as helpful/knowledgeable as these supposed "ethereal dragons". In my opinion the problem arises when someone forgets that the notoriety of a name shouldn't change their opinion of a specific entity. The best way to learn is through experience. A simple prayer won't hurt you. In the past I've had many discussions with members about getting to know their patron. Why should Lilith be any different because a bunch of people decide one day she was somehow going to birth half of Hell?

I don't honestly understand it sometimes. All the advice I can give to someone who might find demons particularly more interesting than yet another " THE GODDESS " fanaticism ;D then by all means. It's their path, their life, and they should decide exactly who or what will be their patron.

Now before I finish up my final two cents worth, I will say she isn't famous for being easy to contact. lol

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Re: Lilith
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 33
Good post Dackson!

I believe the main problem are Christian coverts to Paganism that can't get over the Christian demonizations of all things that do not apply to their religion. When a "pagan" starts spouting about angels being holy and demons being evil, you know they're not truly pagan. But we can have hope for them. ;)
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Re: Lilith
Post # 34
I agree with Gust. Nothing in any of our religions or practices are fact. We know not the real truths in life. Its the practitioner that chooses what is real in their belief. Let's not act like we know all when really we know nothing.
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Re: Lilith
Post # 35
Lilith, or (the dark moon) exists half way between the opposite side of the lunar path, and there are many stages of her, as her dependence is on the waning crescent of the current moon, there are also deep ties to her and the seasons based on said crescent.

It has been said, that she is the reason we have the ability to let go of things closely tied to the mind and soul, without her we would carelessly cling onto all emotions and aspects of our life, this includes stress, thus, tapping into said pool of unknown water, could quite literally release Pandora's box inside your mind if you don't have the will to manifest the protection that you need.

if you want to look at the kahbala (not sure I slept that right) she would be perceived as the first wife of Adam, created the same time as them, and was cast out of the garden for not submitting to Adam as a lesser, Adam and her did have offspring..... they were the evils of the world
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Re: Lilith
Post # 36
In Jewish Kabblala is Lilith the first wife of Adam. And a night demon.
In Babylonian myth is Lilith a night demon from eastern deserts. But friendly to people.

In Tibetan myths is night demon Brag srin mo, a wife of the first man and a mother of mankind.
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