Enchanting my guitar?

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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
Post # 4
I once knew someone who said he put some candles in the shape of a pentagram lit them and played his guitar by candlelight. He swore he played like he never had before. Might be worth a try?
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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
Post # 5
well if you know how to play I suggest blessing the instruments with the god pan, for he's a god of music. And what specifically do you want the enchantment to be? Is it for a blessing to whoever hears your music? Or is it to put a curse on anyone that you want to curse such as a enemy? I suggest making lyrics that are incantations that you have made, have a magick symbol for your band, every band has a magick symbol such as disturbed they have the symbols of wicca and sorcery the ten sided pentagram, the dark metal band called Krypt has the goat or ram symbol, the techno band daft punk use the symbol of the illuminatii but do not use the illuminatii symbol because only the illuninatii members can use it for they can curse or bless anyone they choose. Anyways also every song must have either positive notes to it or negative notes to it, such as a happy song has musical notes that make someones mental and subconsciousness be guided by the beats and notes of the songs, there's a certain note is used for sick or dying people so it can make them let go of the pain or commend their spirit if they need to release their souls because they are tortured by their pain. However happy songs can also be used for the sick or dying people for it can heal their spirit also the acoustic guitar has been known to break the cancers off around the cells. Also if you wish to bring people into your power and be driven to make them want to practically serve your feet you must make songs that are is more like metal, rock and roll or techno, also to make them get into your songs make sad songs with a happy beat this makes them not sad at the same time they feel excepted by the music and your music understands them, also check out wagners music, it was however a racist band and no I am not racist, I am just simply suggesting you learn the type of beats and notes of that type of music because it's a music that kind of subconsciously programs people into getting into your lyrics it however usually either brings people to get too much into your music and it has been known to make someone have adrenaline and some people think it makes people angry but I think that's just a myth, and again I am not racist I am a full jew, me and my mother and father are full jewish except my mom is a wiccan she's not into the jewish religion however my father is. I also suggest listening to the same music type of music that wagner made, the band is called theaters des vampires and no they are not racists, their song called macabre danse du vampire uses they same musical notes and beats. I am simply suggesting what beats to use and what voice to use in order for you to get more fans. I however do not suggest your music be racist nor hateful in anyway. Anyways got to go, peace out!
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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
Post # 6
by the way if your music to be positive and uplifting instead people programing to like your songs then do positive lyrics and positive beats and tones, I suggest getting the toa of sound book, it teaches about music and beats and tones you should use and how to cures the sick and heals the wounded soul. Blessed be!
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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
Post # 7
by the way if your music to be positive and uplifting instead people programing to like your songs then do positive lyrics and positive beats and tones, I suggest getting the toa of sound book, it teaches about music and beats and tones you should use and how to cures the sick and heals the wounded soul. Blessed be!
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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
To be honest I don't feel as though you directly need to enchant an instrument. For me, after several years of playing on my instrument from the depth of my heart I feel as though the music itself has enchanted the instrument if that makes any sense.
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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
I don't think enchanting your instrument is needed. Personally, when I play the recorder, I just let energy flow from the heart and throat chakras, and just play whatever song pops in my head. It's hard to explain the effect, but I tend to get incredibly positive results when I do this, even more so when I don't. People just go nuts for some reason.
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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
Post # 10
Just gather energy in your music and release it into your instrument. Soon enough, your instrument will be charged with beautiful, strong, musical energy.

Blessed be!
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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
I may not be a musician but my little sister is. She may not believe the things I do but every time she plays her violin she is making magick.
I know that is not what you are asking but what I am trying to say is that you do not need to put any enchantment when it is already there. Everytime you play you put your energy and love into it. That itself is an enchantment.
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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
Post # 12
Hey when cast magic does it rlly work i really need to know becuase i might kms if i dont learn.....
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Re: Enchanting my guitar?
By: / Novice
Post # 13

1: Yes, it really does work. However, it does not always work as you intended.

2: It would help others to answer your questions if you spelled out your words and use punctuation.

3: Kms?

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