whats the difference now?

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whats the difference now?
Post # 1
Why is it important to be intiated? Whats the difference between now and then?
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Re: whats the difference now?
Post # 2
Spiritual ties and bondage. It is like a formal spiritual induction that opens up doors to higher levels of clearance; in this case, enlightenment. It also shows that you are willing to join that entity or group. Lastly, the word respect comes to mind.

Well, essentially, it depends, but my opinion is just as good as any others. I would say that you are basically born a new person. It is a step into awakening; this, you are reborn. It is like when a Christian, acknowledges that Jesus is the son of God, submits to God, acknowledges that Jesus died on the cross for that person's sins, acknowledges Jesus rose from the dead, and then accepts Jesus as Lord and savior. All in exchange for something that persons basically agrees to follow or abide by some standard thereafter.

That is the best way I can put it.
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Re: whats the difference now?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
From a magical standpoint, initiation does two important things. First, it introduces you to the magical current of the organization that you are initiated in to. This helps you to be opened up to the energies of the temple as well as the magic that the order is engaged in. Second, in theory, it helps you to raise your vibration to a higher level that the order you are joining should be at.

From a psychological standpoint, it increases your confidence, and that confidence is paramount to success. It also gives you a group that can support you and help you learn and grow. Also, if done correctly, an initiation will induce an altered state of consciousness and the symbolism that the order uses is placed into the subconscious, so that you can effectively work with the group and access the energies associated with the group.

Most initiations include some kind of hypnodrama such as mythology, visualization or guided meditation. It is more than just opening a temple and agreeing to an oath.

As far as is it a necessity... No, it is not. You can get to the same place, the same level of adepthood, without initiation. It would certainly be easier with it, and of course if you are not initiatied you should not claim to be.


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Re: whats the difference now?
Post # 4
Thank you for your wisdom. I have another question. What if youre creating a belief system on factual things and wantto follow that? Because as far as I know magick is a bend of reality and energies along with pre exsisting spiritual things from before time and earth do you still need to be initiated or did you already connect?
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Re: whats the difference now?
By: / Novice
Post # 5
You do not need to be initiated to access any belief system. You just need to believe. If you form your own belief system, there is no order to initiate in to. If you were going to create your own belief system but use the energies of an existing belief system that uses or used initiation, you would need initiation into that tradition. But that is only if you were going to use that current of energy. If you are creating your own, ask yourself if you require initiation.

If you are going to work with a deity, you may want to get to know it and ask it's permission first. Most will talk with you even if you are not initiated into his or her (or its) tradition. Then, follow it's advice. I've heard of some requesting that you do certain things which could equate to an initiation, but this is unusual. Simple honoring of the god in question is usually enough.


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Re: whats the difference now?
Post # 6
so can i create my own powerful energies and create my own magical beings? or did they exist already before man? and i noticed you were in higher magick...I want to learn every type of magic. Any clues on who would teach all of them? and the question i really want to know is which is better a jin or a succubus? and pros and cons please and thank you kind sir.

Peace and Love,
ChristBearer of Dark Water
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Re: whats the difference now?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Several questions. Lol! Ok...

Yes, you can create your own beings. You do so when you create magical constructs, artificial elementals and thought forms. Now, it takes many people over many years to create god-forms.

If you look at deities that are attributed to the same thing, they will still have differences. For example, look at Odin and Zeus. Both are the Father of the Gods in their respective cultures. They have many similar features. Yet, each has differences as well. Both can be attributed to the energies of Jupiter. The reason there are differences in both form and function is that they were created by different cultures.

Let's say that I am trying to publish a book. This would be a work governed by Jupiter. (Although it could be Mercury, but let's say I want it to be prosperous, and I am less concerned about intellectual content.) Well, I may choose to work with Odin, as he was the one from who the knowledge of the runes originates. (According to my understanding of the Poetic Edda, anyway. But, I will be the first to admit that my knowledge of Teutonic mythology is limited.) Now, I could choose to create the god Snigglefritz, god of Hot Pockets, D&D and publishing. But, with just me worshiping him, he will never be much bigger than I am.

But if you tap into a god-form, you are taping into the energies that all who have worshipped that god-form. That can be quite powerful. It is also why some pantheons are easier to work with. The Egyptian gods have had centuries of energy pumped into them. An aboriginal god who is only worshipped by one tribe that never has more than 100 people in the whole tribe would be a bit more difficult to access.

Short answer, yes you can create your own beings. But that might not be the most effective way to do magic.

Second, I know of no one who teaches every kind of magic. I doubt that anyone could. Actually, I think there is only one kind of magic. It just comes in different flavors. It's like ice cream: It can be vanilla or chocolate, but it still comes from a cow.

Third, jin or succubus. I honestly have not worked much with jin, or djinn. I have just never had call to call upon one. Succubus I have run across. I do recognize they are a part of creation, but that does not mean we are supposed to play with them. I would not recommend trying anything with either djinn or succubi until you are ready. You will know when you are ready by not having to ask about them or how to summon them. Till then, I highly suggest sticking to the basics. I know some people will disagree with me. I respect their opinion, but this is mine. Ultimately you will find what is right for you.

In the G.D., no practical magic was taught until you were accepted into the second order. This on average took 3 and a half years. Prior to that, it was all basics and spiritual development. Now, there are ways to speed up the process, but I think that there is something to be said for learning the basics. I think if you are impatient to learn more, you are not ready.

OF course, as always, these are just my humble opinions.


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Re: whats the difference now?
Post # 8
I am willing to put the time in. I have a thirst for knowledge. Thank you for your wisdom. Please I would love to talk more to you. Thanks again.

-Christ bearer of dark water
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