My mediumship experiences

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My mediumship experiences
Post # 1
Hey guys, am telling you about mu experiences in being a medium.
first of i have to give credit to "artindark" because i learned something new today like i do everyday i learned that phychics and mediums connect together but mediums are higher than physhcic. what am saying is phychics are level 1 and mediums are level 2.

so iv currently been a medium for 10 years, my first medium experience was when i was 23 years of age, i was in a trance and then an abject came flying accross my room firstly i panicked but then i calmed down and thought it was my mind playing tricks. so i went og o to bed my mind was blank and i was awake and asleep at the same time, and this picture comes up with a dragon, thats when i found out ii was not my mind playing tricks.
then quite often i use to see this dragon of a night and each night from now i see diffrent psiirts trying to contact me even demonic spirits, but i just ignore them, its the best way to get demonic spirits to go away. i only communicate with spirits if am in atrance thats when i do my job.
what am getting at is, when i foudn out i was a medium i started to cry, but mostly people would cry or scream if you found out your a medium.
blessed be para il be doing more post's on a daily basis on diffrent aspects.
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