develop psychic powers

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develop psychic powers
Post # 1
i need help with psychic powers! teacher please?
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Re: develop psychic powers
Post # 2
We all have them some are just stronger than others. Try doing some deep meditations and working with your third eye.
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Re: develop psychic powers
Post # 3
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Re: develop psychic powers
By: / Novice
Post # 4
don't focus just on your third eye! it's a good idea to do chakra work, but you need to work with all of them, not just one. a fully opened third eye will pool energy in that one spot, resulting in headaches and an overactive imagination to the point where you'll imagine things so vividly you'll think it's real. work on all your chakra's starting with the root. cleaning all your chakra's will help the flow of energy as well as your psychic abilities.

a couple simple practices you can do to strengthen your psychic abilities are:

before picking up your phone, try to visualize/sense who is on the other end [if you have caller id or someone who normally calls it won't work as well]

before you start your day, concentrate and write down 3 predictions of things that will happen that day. go for 'pop quiz in math' over 'will see my friends'.

take a deck of playing cards, hold one up at a time, try to feel if the card is red or black [you should either see the colour, or hear a voice in the back of your head] then flip it over. once you feel comfortable with the colour, move on to suit, then to number/face card, and finally the whole card [suit, colour, and number/face]

with all of these methods of course, be sure to record your predictions and if they were accurate or not. don't get discouraged, it takes time to strengthen your clairvoyance. practice and meditation are the best ways to do so.
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Re: develop psychic powers
Post # 5
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