My strange dream.

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Re: My strange dream.
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Always bear in mind option one, that it was just a dream with no significant meaning attached, not all dreams have such a meaning.

What I would say is that any interpretation I or any others give you here is a guideline at best. People can guess at your dreams but that's all as they're personal to you and who knows you better than you do.

I would agree with Lightbane somewhat though. I would guess the hatching of the egg represents some goal coming to fruition or some obstacle being overcome. The fact that the chick needed help coming out of the egg may mean that you need to help the goal come to pass. If we relate this to your wish perhaps the meaning is that prayer is not enough on its own and that it needs some form of activity on your behalf to go out there and help it come true.
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Re: My strange dream.
Post # 5
Would the Law of Attraction be good to grant wishes then? So you have to visualize the result you want from the wish and eventually it will come true because it's Law of Attraction?
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Re: My strange dream.
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Think of spells as aids not solutions. You can pour as much energy into a wish as you like but it won't guarantee results. I'll put it into an example I'm familiar with, I want a particular part in a production so I perform a wish spell. Now I can sit back and await a phone call from the director or I can go and prepare a thorough audition and nail my performance, which is more likely to succeed? Any form of wish has a chance to come true and the energy you put into it will increase that chance but you can't expect the universe to hand it to you on a platter, you still have to put in the work to achieve it yourself.
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Re: My strange dream.
Post # 7
Well I remember that my previous wish came true even though I only just prayed and wished upon everything that it's said to wish upon. I wished upon the pole star, moon, certain clock times, stray lash...

But will the Law of Attraction be enough to make my wish come true? Many people told that The Secret for example worked and the way they wanted.
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Re: My strange dream.
By: / Novice
Post # 8
It depends on what the wish is, like all magic it works on a scale of odds that you can only influence. If you're wishing for a relatively simple thing then wishing for it may be all that's necessary if your wish is much more complex however then you will probably need to put in some of the work yourself too. I always feel however that if you want something badly enough to wish for it you should certainly be willing to put the work in to achieve it yourself as well and why not maximize your chances by doing both.
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Re: My strange dream.
Post # 9
Ok. But is the Law of Attraction enough to grant my wish? Yes or No?
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Re: My strange dream.
By: / Novice
Post # 10
It's not a yes or no answer, it all depends on the nature of your wish really. I've tried to explain it as best I can but I've obviously failed to get my point across, perhaps someone else can explain it better than me.

The law of attraction is not perfect. It absolutely helps in achieving goals but there are limits to it, for example you can't wish to be a mermaid until it happens because it simply never will. Equally you can't just wish to be the most popular person in the world and spend the whole time sat in a cardboard box just waiting for it to happen because there's no way people can befriend you if you never meet them. The energy directed through the desire of a wish will help in bringing it about but it won't necessarily do all the work for you, otherwise I'd be a millionaire by now.

Ultimately what I'm trying to say is don't give up on wishing but don't rely on it either. Things will happen much faster and much more reliably if you put in the effort too.
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Re: My strange dream.
Post # 11
I have a question for you why is this wish so important to you
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Re: My strange dream.
Post # 12
Yeah, my wish is very important to me :/
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Re: My strange dream.
Post # 13
and I cannot tell why my wish is so important :/
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