spell question

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spell question
Post # 1
And I also want to know what is magic powers and why is it used in spells and how can I get magic powers.
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Re: spell question
Post # 2
Magic is everywhere. You can get magic energy from nature, from spirits and else.
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Re: spell question
Post # 3
Everyone has access to Magick, it's just some people either don't care, or are too damn stupid to relize that it's not a game and should be tampered with in the act of idiocy
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Re: spell question
Post # 4
Heres one, do all spells have to be in rhyme form can i do a haiku instead? If you make a full song out of a spell and others sing it, without understanding its a spell, could it take effect?
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Re: spell question
Post # 5
--sighs- its such a shame most humans don't beleave in magic... i'm sure they do when they where little kids... but now they don't :/
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